sodium polyacrylate ingestion

PDF Material Safety Data Sheet Page 1 of 2 Sodium Polyacrylate Toxicity associated with ingestion of a polyacrylic acid hydrogel dog Also, cleaning dishes, cups or utensils with bleach may leave small traces of the substance behind. Single-Dose Oral Toxicity Study of a Cross-linked Sodium Polyacrylate Sodium Polyacrylate, 0043 Revised on 08/20/2021 Page 4 of 5 Eyes Not Available Respiratory Not Available Ingestion Not Available Carcinogenicity IARC No components of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or confirmed human carcinogen by IARC. Sodium Polyacrylate Created by Global Safety Management, Inc. -Tel: 1-813-435-5161 - Proposition 65 (California): Chemicals known to cause cancer: None of the ingredients is listed Chemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity for females: None of the ingredients is listed Chemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity for males: Everything about Superabsorbent Polymer (SAP, Sodium Polyacrylate, Potassium Polyacrylate) Purchase & Contact SAPGEL.COM Uses SAP has a lot of uses in various areas, and we try to categorize those uses. moderate EU Ecolabel: Detergents Ingredients Database The European Union Ecolabel program reports this substance is not anaerobically degradable. . Coatings To limit the quantity of moisture around wires, sodium polyacrylate can be used as a coating for electrical cables. Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Creation date: 2010-07-20. Ingestion of chlorine bleach occurs often, but usually in small amounts. Polyacrylate - Meaning, Sodium Polyacrylate, Uses and FAQs - VEDANTU Appearance: The solid is white or light yellow block or powder . 2. LOW Cancer LOW Allergies & Immunotoxicity LOW Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity LOW Use Restrictions Ingredient concerns CONCERNS DATA SOURCES Products with this Ingredient Contamination concerns Corrosion Irritation: Ocular: 9003-04-7 Eye irritation: Causes serious eye irritation. some Sodium polyacrylate (C3H3NaO2) n: structure, properties, uses, risks The hemostatic prepared from the sodium polyacrylate and the carboxymethylcellulose grafted polyacrylic acid has the advantages of high speed of the hemostasis and good effect. SODIUM POLYACRYLATE can be found in 137 products. Superabsorbent sodium polyacrylate polymeric hydrogels that retain large amounts of liquids are used in disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, and other applications. Are sodium polyacrylate and glycerin toxic if ingested in a Ingestion: Call Poison Control immediately. . With your fingers, shred the filling into very tiny bits, shaking each bit to remove the sodium polyacrylate crystals. Exposure to alkalis can result in a range of signs from mild tissue irritation to severe corrosive or caustic injury, and severity can vary based on the concentration of the product. This means that it can impede breathing. When dissolved in water, it forms a thick and transparent solution due to the ionic interactions of the molecules. . Used in detergent formulations, pigment dispersions for paper coating, and in textile sizes; [ECETOC - JACC] Used as a dispersing agent for minerals incorporated into plastics; [EFSA] Used as a boiler water additive and washing or surface removal agent; [FDA . Consequently, ingesting it is a significant risk because it can cause airway obstruction. PDF Polycarboxylates used in detergents (Part I) What Is Super Absorbent Polymer Indeed? (including all the uses) Sodium polyacrylate is a chemical polymer made up of chains of acrylate compounds. sodium polyacrylate, 9003-04-7 - The Good Scents Company Vernagel (sodium polyacrylate) is a powder commonly used in hospitals worldwide for the management and disposal of body fluids. Superabsorbent sodium polyacrylate polymeric hydrogels that retain large amounts of liquids are used in disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, and other applications. Sodium Polyacrylate is a white granular powder which rapidly absorbs water. Sodium polyacrylate has many favorable mechanical properties. The solid product is white (or light yellow) block or powder, and the liquid product is colorless (or light yellow) viscous liquid. First-aid measures after ingestion : Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Alkalis Are Toxic To Pets | Pet Poison Helpline The sodium polyacrylates mostly used in detergents have a typical molecular weig ht of approximately 4,500 g/mol (HERA, 2014). o Shake the sodium polyacrylate crystals into the corner of the ziploc bag, and discard the nappy filling. Description. There is also some concern that sodium. EWG's Guide to Healthy Cleaning is a free, searchable online tool providing consumers with safety ratings for common household cleaners. Alkaline substances, which are also called bases, have a pH > 7. Toxicity associated with ingestion of a polyacrylic acid - PubMed 3. Safety assessment of the active substance polyacrylic acid, sodium salt As a kind of super absorbent polymer (SAP), it has strong absorbency for hundreds of times its own weight in water. My dog chewed up a frozen "peas" pack, and I'm not sure if/how much he may have ingested, if any, but I want to be sure. Sensitization: No additional information. Ingestion: Rinse mouth and then drink plenty of water. Sodium Polyacrylate Created by Global Safety Management, 1-813-435-5161 - Acute Toxicity: Oral: 9003-04-7 LD50 Rat: >5000 mg/kg Chronic Toxicity: No additional information. It contains sodium, which gives it the ability to absorb large amounts of water. Sodium polyacrylate are a group of polymers that range in molecula r weight from 1,000 to 78,000 g/mol. Acute toxicity Skin contact Eye contact Inhalation/lngestion FIRST AID PROCEDURES. INCI Name: Sodium Polyacrylate CAS Number: 9003-04-7, 25549-84-2 Chemical Name : Company Name : MakingCosmetics Inc. . Sodium polyacrylate is a white, granular, odorless polymer that yields a gel-like material with the addition of water. PDF Sodium Polyacrylate Safety Data Sheet - Taylor Made Science This inhibition of plant growth or toxicity is believed to arise because the sodium ions in the sodium polyacrylate network are easily exchangeable and are adsorbed by clay particles or tend to undergo exchange with cations on the surface of plant roots creating a condition which is analogous to an alkaline soil, which generally tends to . Risk of asphyxiation from Vernagel ingestion - PubMed sodium polyacrylate polymer dispersant (CAS no. . Evidence Health issue Level of Concern Source The European Union Ecolabel program reports this substance is persistent in the environment. In particular, recently generated data on soil microorganism have . Sodium Polyacrylate is a sodium salt of Polyacrylic Acid (q.v.). 68479-09-4 2-Propenoic acid, telomere with sodium hydrogen sulphite, sodium salt The family of linear P-AA homopolymers covers different products with a broad molecular *) Sodium polyacrylate Safety Data Sheet. And in theory, acrylic acid in large doses could be harmful to a baby's skin. Superabsorbent sodium polyacrylate polymeric hydrogels that retain large amounts of liquids are used in disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, and other applications. Common household products containing alkaline or basic chemicals include bleach . If ingested, this substance presents significant risk of asphyxiation. Sodium Polyacrylate MSDS # 690.00 Section 1: Product and Company Identification Sodium Polyacrylate Synonyms/General Names: N/A . Abstract A single-dose oral toxicity study of a grafted copolymer of cross-linked sodium polyacrylate with polyvinyl alcohol was conducted in chickens (Gallus domesticus) to demonstrate this copolymer's safety for use as a hydration medium in recently hatched poultry chicks. The degree and the speed of ingestion are very high as is the general swelling rate and its quantum of expansion after experiencing water . The Safety of Sodium polyacrylate for Human & Environmental impact Potassium Polyacrylate for Agriculture - Alsta Hydrogel Everything About Super Absorbent Polymer After absorbing water, it turns to a water gel form which locks water firmly. PDF Safety Notes: Sodium polyacrylate is toxic if swallowed and exp Identification. PDF SODIUM polyACRYLATE, 45% in water Safety Data Sheet CXSO017 - Gelest, Inc. These polymers are generally considered "nontoxic" with acute oral median lethal doses (LD 50) >5 g/kg. Paper diapers Sanitary napkins Nursing pad Water and moisture near wires can interfere with electrical signal transmission. Reviewed 2022-04-07 no changes. Acute toxicity Inhalation; Ingestion; Dermal absorption . PDF Sodium Polyacrylate - Making Cosmetics Acrylic acid polymer, neutralized, crosslinked [MAK Value The control group showed poor injectability, which was mirrored by extreme solid-liquid separation during the extrusion, as described in earlier report.27 It may be seen that the significant improvement within the injectability of cement paste by the addition of PAAS was attributed to its glorious rheological properties and stability. These polymers are generally considered "nontoxic" with acute oral median lethal doses (LD 50 ) >5 g/kg. Many public water systems are treated with chlorine to kill harmful bacteria. Sodium polyacrylate, whose chemical formula is (C3H3NaO2)n, is a new type of functional polymer material and important chemical product. Single-dose oral toxicity study of a cross-linked sodium polyacrylate . Are sodium polyacrylate and glycerin toxic if ingested in a small amount by a 50 pound dog? 9003-04-7) as an aid in the grinding of mineral fillers in water and in the use of the resulting ground fillers in the wet-end process to manufacture. Toxicity to pets. Sodium polyacrylate - Hazardous Agents | Haz-Map Despite this favorable toxicity profile, we identified a novel toxic . Precautions With Sodium Polyacrylate | Healthy Living When the femoral artery of a flap-eared rabbit is incised in a lateral direction for 3/4, the hemorrhage of the blood vessel can be stopped effectively in 30 seconds . Revision #8: 2018-06-14. Vernagel (sodium polyacrylate) is a powder commonly used in hospitals worldwide for the management and disposal of body fluids. But as a leftover from the manufacturing process, the acrylic acid value is less than 300 PPM which is totally safe for humans. The substance is a high molecular weight polymer. Inappropriate mentation, cerebellar ataxia, vomiting, and intention tremors were observed within 24 h after the ingestion of up to 15.7 g/kg of the hydrogel by an adult, castrated male Australian . 1. These polymers are not readily biodegradable but are partly accessible to ultimate biodegradation. Skin Contact Ingestion Eye Contact Inhalation Personal precautions If ingested, it may irritate mucus membranes. Is sodium polyacrylate safe? - Malariafacts Information Form The safety of sodium polyacrylate For human It will instantly absorb from 500 to 1,000 times its mass in water. PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - Water Gel Crystals Yes, there's some kind of inferior sodium polyacrylate that mixed up with small amounts of acrylic acid. Give victim 1-2 cups of water or milk to drink. Common concerns See how this product scores for common concerns. Its main use is to reduce spillages. Get medical advice/attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. White solid; [ICSC] Light gray powder; [Sigma-Aldrich MSDS] Sources/Uses. Toxicity associated with ingestion of a polyacrylic acid hydrogel dog EWG Skin Deep | What is SODIUM POLYACRYLATE The pros And Cons Of Sodium Polyacrylate These polymers are generally considered "nontoxic" with acute oral median lethal doses (LD 50) >5 g/kg. Sodium polyacrylate - generally utilized in industrial production, for example, Paper diaper, Sanitary pads, Ice pack, Air fresher, Expanding Rubber, and so forth. PubMed:Sodium polyacrylate potentiates the anti-adhesion effect of a cellulose-derived polymer. It reacts with fluids to form a semisolid gel. After skin contact: Wash with water and soap and rinse thoroughly. CN1211090C - Preparation of sodium polyacrylic acid - Google Is sodium polyacrylate safe? (for human & environment) - Supplieer The Effects of Ingesting Chlorine Bleach | Healthy Living In most cases, the traces of chlorine found in drinking water or left behind on a cup won't . 9003-04-7 Sodium polyacrylate 7732-18-5 water 4 First-aid measures Description offirst aid measures After inhalation: Supply fresh air; consult doctor in case of complaints. PDF Safety Data Sheet - Fisher Sci Acute Toxicity - LD50/LC50 Sodium polyacrylate (9003-04-7) LD50: Oral LD50 Rat: > 40g/kg Carcinogenicity: Component Carcinogenicity No information is available. EWG's Guide to Healthy Cleaning | SODIUM POLYACRYLATE | Substance

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