government surplus tool auctions
This service allows you to bid on surplus goods online from anywhere at any time. Auction rules may vary across sellers. An auction will be held on the following date, time and location: Tuesday, April 20, 2021. Limeport , PA | Lower Milford Township Volunteer Fire Company. Municipal government websites often end in .gov or .org. You can bid on surplus items such as: furniture vehicles office equipment laboratory and medical equipment recreational goods and more Payment Equipment & Truck Auction (1389) Thu, Oct 6. Details on state surplus property, auctions, and eligibility for federal surplus programs. All items are sold as is - where is with no warranties, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to warranty for fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability. Open All + What the Federal Government Sells and Why They Sell It Federal Motor Vehicle Auctions (formerly listed on State Surplus Property Program. Vehicle and Highway Equipment Auction Terms of Sale. Buy with confidence with our IronClad Assurance. IronPlanet hosts weekly government and military surplus auctions online. Surplus Auctions. Surplus real estate. | Create Account Shop by category Humvees FMTVs Generator Sets Field Gear Ammo Cans Medical Supplies It has either sold or has been withdrawn. #3129276 - Biomek 3000 Gripper Tool System, PCR and Sequencing : UT: 6 days 6 hours: $195.00 #3131861 - LOT OF DELL WYSE 5070 THIN CLIENTS (9) TX: 5 days 14 hours: Due to our ever changing internal requirements, surplus equipment and materials are subject to re-use within the . Note: ADECA's Surplus Property Division does not auction any real estate or livestock. Thu, Oct 20. NOTE: You don't have JAVASCRIPT enabled on your Browser! . Annually, the State of Florida has approximately 1,300 used vehicles and other items of mobile equipment that are available for purchase by the public and other government agencies. Chat with Saturday February 19th. Government Surplus Auctions. Surplus Found/Seized Property and Unclaimed Goods - Police Department Procedures to Surplus. Leave this field empty if you're . Surplus items available to anyone. Equipment & Truck Auction (3430) Thu, Oct 13. Public Surplus gives a guarantee to all of its buyers - you can trust who you are buying from. Check out our selection of heavy equipment, vehicles, electronics and furniture available for sale and participate in an upcoming government and military surplus auction. This internet site is allowing government agencies to sell surplus and confiscated items at public auction. This is the official site of The City of Calgary for the sale of surplus equipment and materials, and public auction information. By transferring property from one agency to another, the Commonwealth is able to save taxpayer dollars through the reuse of valuable property. July 2022 Government Surplus Tools & Tech - 7/28/22. Bid on government surplus and unclaimed property including heavy equipment, cars, trucks, buses, airplanes, and so much more. In order to assist Government Entities and Nonprofits in their endeavors, The State of Alaska SEF offers sales to these organizations priced at fair market value. Surplus Equipment Auction Visit the Public Service Auctions for Erie County, Pennsylvania. . This is a trusted site, you know who you are buying from. 2850 O'Neal Ave Pueblo. Government Surplus Auction (1653) We carry a large selection of Humvees, Medical Supplies, Generators, Field Gear and other authentic military and government assets. . Government of Alberta surplus goods can be sold through the Alberta Online Auctions. Government Surplus Auction (498) Wed, Oct 12. View calendar. Admin assists state organizations in the redistribution of surplus public assets in a responsible fashion for the fiscal and environmental benefit of Minnesota. Office supplies are also up for grabs, so be sure to check out the auction before it ends on April 28th! Surplus Equipment Auctions Chemung County disposes of surplus equipment and vehicles through an online public auction usually twice a year, in the Spring and Fall. This internet site is allowing government agencies to sell surplus and confiscated items at public auction. Continue your conversation over the web, email or SMS. Shop by category Humvees Military Vehicles Automobiles & SUVs Field Gear Pickup Trucks Medical Supplies Consumer Electronics Right now, the current bid is $100 USD and there has been 3 bidders so far. View Auction 1 2 IT Equipment, Tools, Test Equipment, & More - Ends Mar. Need help? For all auctions currently being held by GSA please go to State Surplus Property The State Surplus Property is currently running auctions through Keyword search. For more information about the City's surplus auction program, please contact: Annette Bettis Deputy Chief Procurement Officer 55 Trinity Ave SW Suite 1900 Atlanta, GA 30303 Tel: (404) 330-6204 Email: We do list property for sale to the public at the General Services Administration's website on a regular basis. State Surplus is the division within Vehicle and Asset Management that administers the sale or disposal of State of Tennessee assets to local governments, non-profit organizations, and to the general public via our online auction. Personal property includes assets ranging from office equipment and furniture to scientific equipment, heavy machinery, airplanes, vessels, and vehicles. Serving Government for Over 2 Decades USGovBid a division of Auction Liquidation Services has been promoting government auctions for over two decades. Thu, Oct 20. Equipment & Truck Auction (1637) Thu, Oct 13. . When vehicle page appears, scroll to the bottom of page. The public now can view surplus personal property from anywhere without having to travel to the State Surplus Warehouse. To place bids on these auction sites, you must first set up a user account. April Business & Government Surplus Auction - 4/28/22 Idaho Surplus Auction's April auction features a range of items, from computers to tools. 8 days 6 hours. Select the link below to view or bid on current online auctions and view previous live . City of Chicago Surplus Auction Yard 10101 S. Stony Island Avenue Chicago, IL 60617 . Browse 1 items for sale in Government Surplus State Government Surplus Auction Buy state government surplus items by competitive bid. SOUTHWEST OHIO REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY (SORTA/METRO) Surplus Auction: State & Local Surplus : CINCINNATI, OH : N/A mi : Online : 9/23/2022 : Details: Ohio Schools Broker Surplus Auction: State & Local Surplus : Lyndhurst, OH : N/A mi : Online : 9/26/2022 : Details: Summit County Executive Surplus Auction: State & Local Surplus : Akron, OH . When a state agency has an item it no longer requires, that item is first offered to other state agencies. #3129284 - 2014 Wanco Mini Matrix Message Board. Fort Myers Auction: October 15th. Auctions - Surplus Equipment and Materials. Buy surplus Tools from Fluke, Agilent, Robinair, AM General, Craftsman, GE Inspection Technologies and more. Equipment Surplus and Sales Commonwealth of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Division of Equipment 1239 Wilkinson Blvd. Many types of items are available, including office supplies and furniture, medical . Surplus Equipment Coordinator 907-269-0786 Email: Surplus Equipment Coordinator . Frankfort, KY 40602 Annual Equipment Auction Kentucky Division of Surplus Property Logsdon Auction Group License # 2151 Auction # 22-005 All scheduled appointments and entry to the facility will follow CDC guidelines. Current Auctions - Click Here To Search & Use Alternative Auction Viewer - Mount Horeb Office & Yard Open M-F 8-4:30pm and Sat 9-Noon Welcome to Wisconsin Surplus . Surplus, Vehicles, Auctions; Contract Administration. Browse online government auctions of government surplus. Take I-85 North. Showing 0 Auction Results . Click on attachments, the list of work orders will appear. When you click on the following link, you will leave the Harris County Purchasing website: Public Surplus Fleet Auctions For more information or to view our current auctions please visit Auction rules may vary across sellers. Government surplus IronPlanet hosts weekly government and military surplus auctions online. Our broad spectrum . Visit GovDeals. This website has details on upcoming state auctions, including schedules and items listings, as well as other facts and resources. This item is no longer available. Hurst Jaws Of Life Tool. To learn how to enable Javascript on your browser ( Netscape 7.x or Mozilla 1.6 ) please click here To learn . Search Auctions Button. Click on the square below to see property that is currently being offered on each site. Equipment & Truck Auction (3423) Thu, Oct 13. CA. Featured Auctions. 2004 F-250 SUPER DUTY SUPER CAB. . Equipment & Truck Auction (851) Thu, Oct 20. CA. Current Auction. Thu, Oct 20. . GovDeals' online marketplace provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus assets to the public. Pottstown , PA | Norco Fire Company. With over 14,000 sellers utilizing the GovDeals online auction platform, GovDeals has completed over $2.6 billion in sales achieved by selling directly to our 1 million registered buyers. Government Surplus Auction (498) Wed, Oct 12. The DCAS Office of Surplus Activities (OSA) handles surplus City property and either transfers it to other City agencies if it is needed, auctions it off if it is no longer needed by the City of New York, or, in certain circumstances, disposes of the property. These auctions let you buy government-owned assets from across the U.S. and its territories. Surplus store hours and location. Please view the related content in the menu to navigate to our public online auction, donee catalog, and various . Auction items will be displayed 2-3 weeks prior to the auction and continuously updated until the day of the auction. NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL AUCTION. The types of used equipment normally available are: 10 a.m. Various government agencies sell their surplus and confiscated items via the Internet. Live Preview Friday the 18th from 12-4 WOW!! Click to search. We carry a large selection of Humvees, Medical Supplies, Generators, Field Gear and other authentic military and government assets. Just let us know your preferred method of getting our updates - email, cell phone, flyer, or any . The City of Miami Procurement Department has contracted with Fisher Auction Co., Inc., and Rene Bates Auctioneers, Inc., to conduct the City's Auctions. To view available surplus items, please go to If you have questions or need assistance, please call 651-201-2778 to talk to a staff person. The DESA is the sole authority within the MOD for the sale of surplus military equipment and inventory from the UK armed forces, offering an opportunity for customers and governments to acquire. . View calendar. Founded in 1970, Royal Auction Group is now the largest government surplus & consignment public auction in the Southeast. Serving Government for Over 2 Decades USGovBid a division of Auction Liquidation Services has been promoting government auctions for over two decades. GovDeals' online marketplace provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus assets to the public. Government Surplus and Tool/Shop Live Auction . The category "Equipment, Heavy / Construction" has been renamed to Heavy Equipment and Construction and is now listed under "H" Li. Equipment Trader Home; Find Equipment ; Advanced Search . The N.C. Department of Transportation uses public auctions to sell surplus equipment. The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources conducts annual auctions of surplus and confiscated items. Created by GRANICUS - Connecting People and Government. Government Surplus Government Surplus Auctions and Online Government Equipment Sales or call us at (602) 516-7066 and we will negotiate a deal that works great for both you and our bidders! JAPAN NATIONAL AUCTION (52) Thu, Nov 10. $300.00. U.S. Government Works; Voting and Election Laws and History; Your Legal Disability Rights; Learn About Life in the U.S. Presidents, Vice Presidents, and First Ladies; Branches of the U.S. Government; Budget of the U.S. Government; Buying from the U.S. Government. View Surplus Operations online auctions | Federal GSA Auctions open to the public. The Texas Facilities Commission (TFC) has the statutory responsibility for the disposition of surplus property items from state agencies. To view workorders for vehicles and equipment: When list of auctions appear, select a vehicle. We've opened up our late Summer auction for bidding and will be adding new items over the next few weeks. Go to State Government Surplus Auction. This auction is located in Roseburg, OR and the closing time is on October 5th at 12:00 pm central time. NEW TO IRONPLANET? The items are very diverse - automobiles, boats, tools, trailers, computers, office equipment, furniture and much more. 1 2 3 Categories Auctions Post navigation. View live online auctions, and bid for Municipal & State auction items, police auctions, & more. GovPlanet is an official online government auction partner (they basically sell on behalf of the government) selling ex-government and military equipment and vehicles. GovDeals' online marketplace provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus assets to the public. View other assets in the Vans category. If this property cannot be donated to a state or public agency, or nonprofit organization, the general public can buy it. 12 days 4 hours. The Auctions are typically held at one of the following locations: Delaware Surplus Services, 5408 DuPont Parkway, Smyrna, DE 19977 - Get Directions. Consignment Cutoff Date: October 5, 2022 . Bozeman, MT. Get our Auction updates! There is no bidder, buyer or registration fees charged. Auction Starts at 9 am. Equipment & Truck Auction (1389) Thu, 6 Oct. Government Surplus Auction (1653) Tue, 11 Oct. Government Surplus Auction (498) Wed, 12 Oct. . TFC delegates a portion of their authority to larger agencies in order to accelerate the state's disposal efforts. . Besides ex-military jeeps and humvees etc, they also sell a whole range of technical gear (audio/visual/computers etc) generators, field gear, clothing and other military equipment. A 13% Buyers Premium will be applied to all items sold at our Live Vehicle Auctions. For auction dates, times, locations, and lots, go to the online auction calendar. Select Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Fleet Services. Government Surplus Auction (1374) Tue, Oct 11. View calendar. Sign Up To Get Updates On Our Auction. At the intersection of Victory Drive and Veterans Parkway, the Columbus Civic Center will be on your right. The State of Georgia primarily offers surplus state property to the public through internet auction providers. 36th Annual Palmyra Government Surplus Equipment Auction Town of Palmyra Highway Department Palmyra, New York (Rochester Area) LIVE with Online Bidding Saturday, May 8th at 9:00am Town of Palmyra Highway Dept., 131 Kent Street, Palmyra, NY 14522 All equipment being sold comes from a municipality! Furniture and Large Items Go at 1 pm. A great combination of government surplus and a complete estate from out on the Mesa. Current Bid: 1500.00. The auctions are open to the public and everyone may bid. Please contact Surplus Equipment Coordinator for additional information. Government Surplus Auction (766) Wed, Oct 5. Surplus Property is property the government does not need. When the state has surplus property, the Department of Administration prepares it for sale or reuse. NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL AUCTION. Public Surplus gives a guarantee to all of its buyers - you can trust who you are buying from. Auctions are open for public bidding. We carry a large selection of Humvees, Medical Supplies, Generators, Field Gear and other authentic military and government assets. 2/9/22 - Looking for heavy equipment? Alaska Statute Title 44.68.280: Government Surplus Auction (1653) Tue, Oct 11. #3130933 - HP Latex 310 Printer. If you have an office or any sort of building that needs work all the time then this lot could also help you save on rentals and other expenses. Auctions and Sales; Surplus Sales by State; Contact Elected Officials; Forms, by . Ends: 1 Days . . Find great deals on heavy equipment, cars, buses and even airplanes. The Federal Surplus Property does not conduct live auctions. JAPAN NATIONAL AUCTION (52) Thu, Nov 10. Only selected, public institutions can sell their items on this site, therefore you always know the auctions come from a trusted source. Procurement Documents and Forms Open Bids Surplus Equipment Auction Vendor Registration Process Contact Information Department of Procurement Erie County Courthouse 140 West Sixth Street Room 106 Erie, PA 16501 814-451-6088 As of July 2019, there are no live auctions at our warehouse. Wisconsin Surplus Online Auction - Online Auctions of state & local government surplus. Government Surplus Auction (1653) Tue, Oct 11. Get instant answers to hundreds of questions about government services. Unknown, Snow Removal Equipment, Online Auction for Government Surplus - Auction Ends 10/6/22 - To see full details, additional . When an item is no longer required by any state agency, it is . Ends: 1 Hour Current Bid: 14500.00 We are pleased to announce the State Surplus Property Auction is now open and available online. See what governments are auctioning. Government Surplus Auction (424) Wed, Oct 12. The City of Springfield, MO Division of Purchases typically holds quarterly auctions for City Surplus items. Auctions - Surplus Equipment and Materials. View calendar. The State of Delaware reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Government Surplus GovPlanet hosts weekly government and military surplus auctions online. Bid on military surplus and government surplus auctions at Government Liquidation, your direct source for army surplus, navy surplus, air force surplus and government auctions on military vehicles, medical and dental equipment. Auction rules may vary across sellers. Here is a list of our current Online Government Auctions: There are no auctions at this time. GovDeals is a complete and sustainable solution specifically created for, and dedicated to, government and educational agencies and their surplus disposition. Surplus equipment and materials are available for immediate sale. Items may include vehicles, farming equipment, boats, hunting and fishing equipment, firearms, and office equipment. Government Auctions and Sales Some government agencies sell items to the public through live and online auctions. Government Surplus Government & Military Surplus Auctions GovPlanet hosts weekly government and military surplus auctions online. This . Equipment & Truck Auction (1043) Thu, Oct 20. Auctions are held at different locations across the state approximately three times per year, depending on equipment location and availability. The City of Chicago is currently posting online auctions for the sale of assets which include surplus equipment, vehicles, furniture, office equipment including computer products and other goods and materials. Turn right into the Columbus Civic Center parking lot. Throughout the year, The City of Miami auctions off surplus goods including, but not limited to police vehicles, furniture, office supplies, art, etc. Government Surplus Auctions - Website. Email Call . Click on View all Auctions for Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government. . View calendar. NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL AUCTION. Government Surplus Auctions, 100 Capitol Commerce Blvd, Suite 110, Montgomery, AL 36117. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a City of Chicago government site. TPWD's surplus property must first be offered to other state agencies, political . Anyone may bid on surplus equipment regardless of residency. Department of General Services Christi Branscom, Commissioner 312 Rosa L. Parks Ave., 22nd Floor Nashville, TN 37243-1102 (615) 741-9263 31st, 2022 Admin also operates the state auction program, conducting live and online auctions which serve the public and return revenue to state government. Contact Surplus. These items may include heavy equipment, mowers fleet and Police vehicles. Public Surplus is the best government surplus auction system available. Exit #62 onto US-280 East / US-431 South to Phenix City, AL. Continue on US-280 East crossing the Chattahoochee River into Columbus. DTMB touches every area of state government. State and Municipal Police Departments that have Found Property/Unclaimed Goods in their possession for greater than one year can turn that property over to the DAS Surplus Unit for auction, in accordance with the CT General Statutes C.G.S.A. 7-285 Sale . Equipment Auctions Office furniture, vehicles, specialized equipment, and electronic equipment are among the products available. Surplus sales and public auctions. State Property State property is auctioned online through Delaware Surplus Services sells vehicles, heavy equipment and miscellaneous items on line all year long. Government Surplus Auction (2002) Tue, Oct 4. JAPAN NATIONAL AUCTION (51) Thu, Nov 10. View calendar. Only selected, public institutions can sell their items on this site, therefore you always know the auctions come from a trusted source. Equipment & Truck Auction (1045) Thu, Oct 20. September 2022 - Government Surplus Tools & Tech - 9/29/2022. State Surplus property at reasonable prices on our auction site, MiBid. Surplus Auctions. Surplus property sales are managed through online auctions. Surplus Auctions Services Harris Health System Contact Us Public Surplus Auctions Harris County surplus items (non-vehicle/heavy equipment) are auctioned on an out-sourced auctioning site, Public Surplus. Doors Open at 8 am. Answers to hundreds of questions about government services the Commonwealth is able to save dollars. 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government surplus tool auctionsRecent Comments