feather fill g2 over bare metal

Thx yes you are correct, sorry I was reading tech sheet on the G2 and said add up to 6 hrs cure time if sprayed over Sep. Any spots of bare metal will have to be primed first with an epoxy or 2k etch primer. best primer over Evercoat Feather fill / MAJOR PROBLEM. Comes in quarts, not sure about gallons. FeatherFill G2 vs 2K Urethane high build primer Here are the bare facts. cat 3013 engine torque specs; candlelight concert masonic temple; 500 nitro express recoil; Ebooks; unr mba; he contacts me then ignores me; gt7 cheats ps5. Includes hardener. Feather Fill over bare metal? | Team Chevelle Not easy to sand and will clog sandpaper fast. Roger S shoddy_f-body Registered Slick Sand Poly Primer??? - Southern Polyurethanes Forum Evercoat Feather Fill G2 Polyester Primer Surfacer 730 - Collision Services color. Works for me. feather fill vs slick sand? | NastyZ28.com Feather Fill G2 is the answer. MIXING Gun Setup:Primer gun with 1.7 to 2.2 fluid nozzle / air cap. This system is an ideal choice . Ships from and sold by Arctic Automotive and Marine Supply. Henry. What products should I use from bare metal to finished clear? So, I would have to buy more to cover these small spots. Feb 28, 2007. Lear. Dura-Gold Premium 100 Grit Gold PSA Longboard Sandpaper 20 Yard Long Continuous Roll, 2-3/4" Wide - Self Adhesive Stickyback Sandpaper for Automotive . If you sand back thru . Automotive Paint Primers for sale | eBay This often involves sanding down the surface and using a thicker primer to fill in the scratches. Primer surfacer on bare metal - cialua.universoanimal.shop Evercoat Feather Fill G2 Polyester Primer Surfacer Then feather fill G2 light on the metal, but then again I put body filler right on metal too. cyber crime pdf. If you get a gallon a featherfill, they will give you 4 tubes of activator. Using fiberglass for metal repair | Bob Is The Oil Guy I then cut a solid polypropylene (plastic) sheet (about 1/8" thick) to the correct size and used fiberglass mat, and cloth to patch it all together. so, I took the car down to bare metal, sprayed the car with two coats of self etch primer from East wood, followed by two coats of Evercoat Feather fill G2. Evercoat Feather Fill works well to straighten panels and imperfections. Problem with body filler over bare metal is trapping moisture and/or rust starting before you can get epoxy applied. CLAUSEN Z-Chrome Rust Defender Hi-Build Polyester Primer, 1 Gallon It is compatible with waterborne paint systems and VOC compliant . Primers & Clears - Evercoat Best. But most polyester fillers and epoxy primers should not be applied directly over self-etching primers. Featherfill G2 can be applied over an Etch or an Epoxy. Epoxy under filler just didnt work for me (edges swelled). Price: $80.00 - $90.00 a gallon kit. You will save a lot of money using SPI products. DPLF epoxy (seeing as that will stick to just about anything.. & everything sticks to it..) JP202 primer/filler. so, I took the car down to bare metal, sprayed the car with two coats of self etch primer from East wood, followed by two coats of Evercoat Feather fill G2 . Air pressure at spray gun 30 - 40 psi. Plus, it's fast drying, with a 15 minute touch dry time. This is from the Eastwood website. Self Etching Green/Gray Primer Great Metal Adhesion, 2 Gallon Kit , SMR-225/226 . Evercoat 713 Gray Feather Fill G2 Primer - 1 Gallon . Light Gray. It is a liquid plastic filler that a catalyst is added to just before application. FeatherFill G2 | Hot Rod Forum Feather Fill G2 Polyester Filler Primer, Pros - Very thick and can fill over 60 grit sand scratches, even up to 40 grit although I would sand till at least 80 grit if possible. Better. BUT you cannot put any tye of fillers over "ETCH" primer" you can do bare steel/Epoxy/ maybe some 2K primers. I would never leave bare metal areas but, that's a good point. Any body supply should have it. Featherfill G2 Gray Gallon - Eastwood If put over an Etch it will never cure properly ( Stays Soft, Whatever is in the etch bleeds through). Sand surface with 180 - 220 grit sandpaper. Blocked out car with 80 grit, Filled spots with filler. Blocked out with 180. cytiva coa Awesome awesome. Polyester Primer Surfacers; . Price: $80.00 - $90. It is compatible with waterborne paint systems and VOC compliant . best primer over Evercoat Feather fill / MAJOR PROBLEM. Shopline jp202 primer - sbb.jackland.shop . Prepping Bare Metal For Primer Paint. Evercoat Feather Fill G2 Premium Polyester Primer Surfacer for Fiberglass, SMC & More - 128 Fl Oz 36 1 offer from $166.22 Product Description Feather Fill G2 is a high solids polyester primer surfacer that is VOC-compliant. This high-quality, oil-based primer is ideal for use on ferrous and non-ferrous metals, wood, concrete, masonry and more. I love the G2 Featherfill for the first round of blocking. EVERCOAT G2 FEATHER FILL - Refinish Network Epoxy vs. Self-Etching Primer for Painting Bare Metal The JP202 primer filler itself isn't epoxy, but that spec sheet does cover one of PPG's epoxy primers. EVERCOAT SLICK SAND | FordSix Performance Forum Some places aren't that lucky as surface rust hits right away. It builds at 2 to 4 mils (thousandth of an inch) when properly sprayed and the gun tip should be in the 1.7 to 2.2 range. so, I took the car down to bare metal, sprayed the car with two coats of self etch primer from East wood, followed by two coats of Evercoat Feather fill G2. Many shops commonly apply self-etching primer to bare metal surfaces. Primer surfacer on bare metal - jzk.piattaformaitaliana.it If you use this, I would spray over a 100 - 150 grit sanded surface. Pitted metal..how to conquer? | The H.A.M.B. Oil based paint with Stops Rust formula provides rust resistant base coat for cars, trucks and other vehicles. FEATHER FILLG2 Advanced-Formula Premium Polyester Primer Surfacer, Body Filler and Putty Untreated Steel, Galvanized Steel Bare Aluminum Pre-Painted Surfaces Plastics FEATHER FILLG2 should only be used on rigid and semi-rigid plastics. One tube was for the quart of resin and the other for the quart of featherfill. When you are satisfied with your body work, sand it with 320 and shoot the entire car with Feather Fill G2. Primers & Clears - evercoat.etooldev.com Fiber Fill 4:1 passes 500 hours in salt spray test (ASTM B117) and can be applied over properly sanded and cleaned bare metal. For best results apply epoxy primer to bare steel then coat with Feather Fill G2. It is also used to correct minor hail damage. So you would just be wasting time and sandpaper. Evercoat feather fill G2 Question | Team Chevelle Yet Another painting question | Vintage Mustang Forums I"m going to get the feather fill and try it out. Evercoat 713 Gray Feather Fill G2 Primer - 1 Gallon Specialty Coatings, Body Fillers & Prep, Evercoat - Feather Fill G2 - Gallon, 5.00, A high-build, high-solids Premium Polyester Primer Surfacer that is compliant with California and National Rule VOC regulations. Apply 2-4 mils per coat. It is waterproof and the best way to protect bare metal. Fiber Fill 4:1 passes 500 hours in salt spray test (ASTM B117) and can be applied over properly sanded and cleaned bare metal. Well in my order i also got a quart of fiberglass resin.They gave me two tubes of liquid hardener.Im not sure if it was for the resin or the featherfill. "shiny bare steel" is a problem, any non etch primer will need some mechanical "tooth" or scratches, I like 180 grit. Dec 4, 2017. Feather Fill G2 is a sprayable polyester filler that is used over STEEL,aluminum,fiberglass,SMC,OEM finishes, body filler, and self etching primers. Rust-Oleum 249418A2 Automotive Sandable Primer Spray, 12 Ounce (Pack of 2), Black, 2 Count. Fiber Fill 4:1 passes 500 hours in salt spray test (ASTM B117) and can be applied over properly sanded and cleaned bare metal. Apply with an old primer gun and clean up immediately or the gun will be junk. I took my 78 Dodge 4x4 to bare metal, covered it with etching primer, followed by the urethane high build primer and am block sanding for flat panels. Slick Sand will fill more than feather fill. Primer surfacer on bare metal - ujvvv.orangecreative.pl I just read up on the SPI 2K primer and is says it will fill 80 grit scratches in one coat. Should YOU Apply Body Filler Directly Over Metal or Epoxy Primer? Primer surfacer on bare metal - ddbrrl.tectonic.pl I have tried MEK, Acetone, Brake Clean, Goo Gone. Fibreglass Evercoat 713 Feather Fill G2 Primer W/ 4 Clear Hardeners Gray 1 (37) Total Ratings 37. Primer surfacer on bare metal - nysxbl.teehub.shop Featherfill G2 Black Gallon - Eastwood Then before topcoating it will need to be sealed or coated with an epoxy primer. The Shop-Line Plus option JP202 2K Primer Surfacer TDS; JP377 Epoxy Primer Black, JP375 Epoxy Primer Gray, JP371 Epoxy Primer White; Sealer: JP335 2K Urethane Sealer Gray; Hardeners: JH301 & JH302 (High-Temp) JH630 (Fast), JH6370 (Medium), JH6380 (Slow), & JH6390. It's the economical choice where overall cost may be the key factor. So what do you apply when you need additional filling? Epoxy is simply a metal sealer, to prevent corrosion. I will apply 3 coats and block it out with 400 dry. Im heading off to get my $400 from the bank and another $9,000, fill up with petrol, and run off the story Posted the stories: 7/9/00-16/9/00 . Polyester primers need for the epoxy to cure longer than the 2k primers but also the epoxy needs to be coated within 7 days or be sanded and recoated with epoxy. Sorry I just got home or I would have answered sooner. Well see. Featherfill high build primer - Page 2 - The Ford Barn If you use this, I would spray over a 100 - 150 grit sanded surface. Acrylic lacquer primer - Direct Buy Auto Body Supply and Auto Body Supplies So we're basically just going to put some primer on it and let it set for a while, but we want to put the primer on it because it got bare metal you might as well. Feather Fill is a high solids, medium build polyester surfacer and the Feather Fill G2 (their newest version) is a high solids, high build product which meets CA and national rule VOC requirements. It is sprayable filler, and you will need a huge tip to spray it. Polyester Primer Surfacers; SDS . slick sand | S-10 Forum All Evercoat Products Evercoat Feather Fill G2 Polyester Primer Surfacer is designed specifically to work with 1K and 2K etch primers that show optimum results on repairs over smc, fiberglass, and other substrates.

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