basic tools and equipment in electronics ppt
The notes and questions for PPT: Measuring Instruments have been prepared according to the Electrical Engineering (EE) exam syllabus. Use power tools and equipment as designed: Follow tool safety tips to avoid misusing equipment. We must always be aware that maintenance . Computer Hardware Servicing. Electronics Test Equipment, Soldering, & Tools Supplier The most commonly forms of waves are sine, square and triangular. Ohm Meter. Audio electronics can be summarized as converting sound to electrical signals, processing the electrical signals, and turning these processed signals back into sound. I have given you a list of many electrical tools and equipment here that you may need; some are absolutely essential, and some that will not be required or are just nice to have, depending on the complexity of . Five basic safety rules can help prevent hazards associated with the use of hand and power tools: Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance. This presentation will help to provide you ways in which you can help to use hand tools in the proper way, so they will be there for you when you need them. In parallel, you have to add the reciprocals of all the resistance values together and then reciprocate back. The screwdriver is made up of a head or tip, which engages with a screw, a mechanism to apply torque by rotating the tip, and some way to position and support the screwdriver. 4. building trades: electrical tools of the trade * electrical specific hand cutting tools diagonal pliers (dykes) cutting small conductors cutting conductors in limited spaces lineman's pliers (side cutters) cutting large conductors forming loops on large conductors pulling and holding large conductors wire strippers stripping insulation from The Standard blade tip 2. A screwdriver is a tool for driving screws. Discuss the hazards associated with walking and working surfaces. 300+ [UPDATED] Electrical And Electronics Engineering Interview Questions and Answers. Follow manufacturer's instructions. Clamps come in many different sizes. Current Function ( AC & DC) It works on Alternating Current (AC). 7. Calculate the value of an electronic signal, given the process condition and the signal range. Discussion includes regulatory requirements and safety practices when using hand and power tools. A diode is a 2 lead semiconductor that acts as a one way gate to electron flow. Having a soldering station in an electronics lab is usually necessary. 250+ TOP MCQs on Basic Electronic Voltmeter and Answers. Life Saving Kits, Rescue Hooks & Operating Rods. The handles of the pliers will be insulated and it can't be considered as sufficient protection. OSHA 10-hour Outreach Training. Construction regulations require inspections of vehicles, tools, machines, and equipment before use. Electrical. Operate tools according to the manufacturers' instructions. Hotline: Call US (859) 317-2951; Sign in Register; Compare ; Categories. A pn-junction diode is formed by joining together n-type and p-type silicon. codebeamer. The soldering station consists of controls, soldering irons, stand and desoldering tweezers. Echo sounding is a process which is used to measure the depth of water below a ship by the transmission of sound waves into the water. Find information about how to protect against electrostatic discharge (ESD), prevent electrostatic damage to the components, and safety precautions when lifting electronic equipment. Digital multimeters can also be used to test continuity between two points in an electronic circuit. Hammers are graded by type, weight, and material used. This is again categorized as: Office Gadgets such as calculators, Personal computers, Scanners and Printers, FAX machine, Front Projector etc. A mechanic will typically need 3 to 4 hammers. Before you roll up your sleeves to get dirty, you'll want to make sure you have the basic automotive repair tools and equipment on hand. 1. Soldering Tools. For under $15 we recommend Lufkin self-centering tape, clear-coated blade protection for more durable markings and designed to fit comfortably in hand. All the questions have been included with just one thing in mind - To provide you a better understanding of the subject. Side-cutting pliers - also known as wire cutters, these are typically used with wire. Show the Session Two PowerPoint presentation. Key design challenges in DC/DC converter design Basic system concepts Power Electronics Introduction to Power Electronics 3. 300+ TOP INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Questions and Answers pdf | MCQs. The instrumentation used to measure mass and much of the equipment used to measure . In the electronic circuit, the energy consists of the flow of electron and hole. 1. Tape Measure A must-have for beginners and pro electricians alike, a tape measure is essential for measuring heights for switch and outlet placement, centering lighting fixtures and so much more. It is responsible for monitoring the various "input" devices such as manual call point (MCP) and automatic detection components like heat detectors, smoke detectors, and then activating alarm "output" devices such as horns, bells, warning lights, emergency telephone dialers, and building . Electrical Works - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) To protect the employee's body from injury Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be used. 1. The Phillips tip 3. . Products designed for lubrication reduce friction . Impact Strategy Data Collection Data Analysis Impact Reporting Organizations commonly use different tools for monitoring and evaluation or impact measurement. This is an absolute must have welding tool. A function generators is a type of testing equipment or software that is used to generate different sorts of waves, in different forms that range over different frequencies. According to Rees, Klein is the most recognized hand tool name in the electrical industry, and Graybar stocks several models of Klein pliers to suit individual preferences and tasks. . Echo Sounder. 4 slides. It saves you time from making any changes if a piece does not fit a body part. Some of the office machines examples are computer screens including papers, pens, crockery, calculators, furniture, etc. An open circuit would break the flow of electricity between power and ground. 6. Hand Tool Safety. Describe the symptoms of cold-related illnesses. 2. A basic set of screwdrivers should include the 3 main types of screwdriver heads. In series circuits we would just add all of the resistance values together. vom/ multi-tester= it is an electronic measuring device used to measure voltage, current and resistance. 9 Flathead Screwdriver Accompa. Therefore, it is necessary to be sure that you are equipped with enough knowledge to properly use the tools that will be needed. 5. Digital Multimeter They were originally developed for use by electrical linemen, hence the name. Multi-tester - is an electronic equipment used to . Toggle menu. This includes the x-ray device and its components, including the x-ray tube and its cathode, anode, focal spot, window, filtration, collimation, source-to-image distance (SID), and the compression system automatic exposure control (AEC) A; the detector . Pearl Head Pins 5 City of Good Character DISCIPLINE GOOD TASTE EXCELLENCE Desoldering Tool - is an electronic hand tool used to unsold undesirable parts or devices in the circuit with the soldering pencil. Ohm Meter. These boards contain holes for inserting wire and components. This is a straightforward objective; nevertheless, this particular discipline of electrical engineering covers many areas of the EE world. 5. With two exceptions, we will postpone the discussion of equipment and instrumentation where they are used. We've broken down the essentials into three categories: hand tools, shop equipment, and diagnostic equipment. PPT 10-hr. The array of equipment and instrumentation used in analytical chemistry is impressive, ranging from the simple and inexpensive, to the complex and costly. First we need to find the total resistance in the circuit. The lesson also includes work problem and quiz. These are mechanical tools such as drills, hand cutters, and dremels. With the power off, begin checking the power sections of the drive. In fact, the office equipment list is endless but they can be categorized as technology, software, furniture, and stationery. Find the positive DC bus (sometimes this may be brought out to a terminal), place the negative (black) lead from your DMM on it, and then check each incoming phase in turn with the positive (red) lead. Description. Electronic Materials for ESD Protection ESD or Electrostatic Discharge is a common problem in the Electronics Industry. BASIC HAND TOOLS Driving tools Soldering tools Slicing Tools Boring tools Cutting Tools Auxiliary Tools Electrical Equipment How much have you learned? As the name suggests, an echo sounder is a device used for echo sounding. Power Supply - used to supply power to circuits that you are working on. By combining the three functions in various ways, engineers design electronic equipment that performs many other special functions, such as . Dress Maker Dummy Try buying an adjustable dress maker dummy because it allows you to make clothes in all sizes. Water pump pliers - also known as slip joint pliers, tongue-and-groove pliers and adjustable pliers (among other names), these tools feature a movable lower jaw, allowing the span of the grip to be adjusted. Long life and low maintenance due to the absence of any moving parts. Wrist Strap and Heal Strap. ESD Clothing, Hand Gloves, Finger Cots, Cap. Because of their temporary nature, they allow you to create circuits without soldering. Large efficiency due to low loss in power semiconductor devices. A utility knife, or box cutter, is handy for cutting sheathing from non-metallic (Romex) cable, to cut off electrical tape, and to open cardboard boxes. So-called lineman's pliers are a familiar tool for anyone who deals with household or industrial electrical wiring. Document Description: PPT: Measuring Instruments for Electrical Engineering (EE) 2022 is part of Basic Electrical Technology preparation. Hand Tool Safety. SeSSion Three Session Three covers fire prevention and firefighting. General Industry - Electrical v.03.01.17. Grounding Material. Cable Puller: Wire puller is useful for installing cables in finished wall cavities and for pulling wires through conduit. Without metal clamps, the metal warpage produced . Electrical & Electronic Symbols Basic Electrical and Electronic Symbols (Electrical test & control equipment) [ Go to Website ] 4/5 All Electrical & Electronic Symbols in They are rarely required and can always be borrowed from your local mechanic. State the advantages and disadvantages of using an electronic signal transmission system. Welding Clamps. Basic Tools and Gadgets Philip star screw Philip flat screw Rubber gloves Diagonal cutter Long nose Slide cutter Paint brush Un used eraser Anti Static Wrist strap Soldering iron De-soldering sucker Multi tester Crimper Lan tester Cd or DVD installers. A circuit consists of a series of connected electron devices and other parts. There are different types of pliers Side cutting pliers can be used for cutting electrical wires and small nails. -Diode allows current to pass in only one direction. Soldering irons range in price from about $10 to over $200; basic models works . 1. These shapes are produced by the function generator in the process of repairing electronic equipment. Slideshows for you (17) EIM 7/8 Lesson 1: Prepare Electrical Tools and Materials Benandro Palor Tools Commonly Used By Electricians Aidan Vosz Electrical work s hop ammar90khalil T.L.E. Title: BASIC HAND TOOLS 1 2 BASIC HAND TOOLS 3 OPEN END WRENCH 4 BOX END WRENCH 5 COMBINATION WRENCH 6 LINE WRENCH 7 RATCHETING WRENCHES 8 RATCHETING COMBINATION WRENCH 9 ADJUSTABLE WRENCH 10 PIPE WRENCH 11 ALLEN WRENCHES 12 RATCHETS 13 SWIVEL HEAD RATCHET 14 , 3/8, RATCHET 15 JOHNSON / BREAKER BAR 16 CLICK TORQUE WRENCH 17 BEAM TORQUE WRENCH 18 Electrical Tools Uses. Best for engineering requirements management. Created by OTIEC Outreach Resources Workgroup. Show the Session Three PowerPoint presentation. Basic PPE consists of: Cotton protective clothing with long sleeves. 3. Scope of Power ElectronicsScope of Power Electronics Power Level (Watts) System 0.1-10 Battery-operated . Graybar's top sellers include classic models such as the high-leverage side-cutting pliers for heavy-duty cutting and connector crimping, and six-inch long-nose . Preventive maintenance is the systematic care and protection of tools, equipment, machines, and vehicles in order to keep them in a safe, usable condition, that limits downtime and extends productivity. What are the basic electrical tools Pliers Pliers can be used for cutting, twisting, bending, holding, and gripping of wires and cables. Best rated requirements management software. 2. Basic hand tools (Electronics Technology) 1. The holes in a breadboard are connected in rows both horizontally and vertically as shown below. Orcanos. General Industry. Computer Fundamentals Computer - An electronic . 4. 03. Basic Electronic Equipment Multi-Volts Power Supply - is an electronic equipment used to provide the direct current voltages in the circuit. 06 of 17 Phillips Screwdrivers The Spruce / Margot Cavin Electricians keep screwdrivers with them at all times, for removing and installing cover plates, outlets, switches, and many other devices. 2. Device Principle ( Voltage & Current) The electrical devices produce the voltage and current. Breadboards are an essential tool for prototyping and building temporary circuits. Solenoid voltage tester - These are . To see questions and answers just click on the chapter you wish. 3. 23 slides. Eye Hazards - tools and equipment that create chips, sparks or dust are potential eye hazards. Figure 8-1 The mammography imaging chain. According to ohm's law, the circuit of electric current is directly proportional to the voltage. To build permanent, reliable circuits, you need to solder connections between wires and components. A multimeter is an electronic instrument used to measure the three basic electrical characteristics: voltage, current and resistance. We carry Aven stealth cutters, circuit board holder, solder pot, vacuum suction pen, ratcheting crimping tool, and more. Machine/Power tools are tools manipulated by our hands and with the use of electrical energy such as: electric drill, grinding wheels, vacuum cleaner and others. It is used to measure current, voltage, resistance, and various other parameters of a circuit. Knowing and understanding these symbols will help you operate your tools better and more safely. Calculate the process condition, given the pneumatic or electronic signal In practice, as the n-type Si crystal is being grown, the process is abruptly altered to grow p-type Si crystal. Here we go, 1/R (total) = 1/R1 + 1/R2 = 1/430 + 1/284 = 0.0058467. 04. Alerting workers to high voltage areas, electrical hazards, power lines and other electrical equipment in the area can help prevent Best for out-of-the-box and API integrations. Explain the purpose of the "live zero" as applied in an instrumentation loop. Helmet or hard hat. These types of eye hazards are generally controlled by safety glasses, goggles and face shields. fCALCULATOR is used to calculate financial computation fCREDIT CARD IMPRINTER is used to process credit card payment transaction of hotel guest fCREDIT CARD VOUCHER HOLDER is used to hold the credit card 02. Types of Screwdrivers 3. Information about PPT: Measuring Instruments covers topics like and PPT: Measuring Instruments Example, for Electrical . SCREWDRIVERS are hand tools specifically designed to insert and tighten, or to loosen and remove screws. In other words, a closed circuit would allow the flow of electricity between power and ground. They are ideal for use with nuts, bolts and fasteners. With our selection of portable and wall-mounted life saving kits produced by industry leader SOFAMEL, your team will be prepared to act quickly if a team member is seriously injured on the job. IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next. Basic Test and Measurement Equipment Oscilloscope Multimeter Function Generator or Signal Generator Basic Electronic Components There are many ways to classify different types of electronic components but the most common way is to classify them in to three types: 1)Active Electronic Components, 2)Passive Electronic Components and Following is a list of 100 common electronic devices in English. Managing end-to-end monitoring and evaluation or social impact measurement requires four major steps. Insulation Tapes: A material of electrical tapes in a variety of colors are used for marking wires and for attaching cables to a fish tape. A pilot card is the first thing that a Marine pilot looks for when he is on board the ship. 03. This equipment is used in electrical and electronics engineering. Consumer Electronics are devices and equipment meant for everyday use. Electronic devices perform three main functions: (1) amplification, (2) switching, and (3) oscillation, all as part of circuits. Download the lesson plan. 4. Chemtronics is a very popular supplier of such Electronic Materials. fTOOL - is any instrument or simple piece of equipment that you hold in your hands and use to do a particular kind of work. Search. These tools are rugged and versatile and can be used to bend large-gauge wire, cut screws and small The control panel is the "brain" of the fire detection and alarm system. In this lesson, students will learn the basics of electricity and fundamentals of electronics. It's best to have at least 10 clamps, so you'll always have one ready for the project at hand. Read on to know more about each of them. It can be varied from 0 volts to 30 volts. We also carry rescue sticks, rescue hooks, operating rods and insulating sticks from top manufacturers. Electronic devices control the voltage and current. Examine each tool for damage before use and do not use damaged tools. Electrical signs and stickers alert students, workers, and visitors to electrical hazards in the area. Air purifier Air conditioner Alarm clock Backup charger Bread maker Banknote counter Blender Bluetooth speaker Bulb Calculator Car toy Ceiling fan Chandelier Clock Clothes dryer Coffee maker Computer Copier Curling iron Digital camera Dishwasher Doorbell camera Drill Dvd player So, now that we have the basic mechanical tools and equipment sorted out, let's try to understand what the mechanical domain is all about. equipment used to check that wires are not broken, solder joins are good, resistance, voltage, etc. Well, here are some of the types of electric tools and their functions: 1. GRADE 7 LESSONS Dayleen Hijosa Tools, Valves & Materials for Marine Use Marine Study Basic hand tools (Electronics Technology) Roderick Lamban This article provides information about basic safety precautions that users must take before you access the internals of a computer or electrical equipment. basic electronics & theorylesson 5 there are 2 types of current the form is determined by the directions the current flows through a conductor direct current (dc) flows in only one direction from negative toward positive pole of source alternating current (ac) flows back and forth because the poles of the source alternate between 10000+ TOP Electrical Engineering MCQs and Answers EEE. A large 3-4 lbs steelhead hammer is excellent for loosening ball joints, especially if you are working on a truck. This approach saves you a lot of money as well as space. It has multiple functions and acts like ohmmeter, voltmeter and ammeter and also used for household wiring, electric motors, testing batteries and power supplies. Fire Control Panels. Check eye protection your workers use to make sure they are not broken, scratched and are the correct type for the hazard. 04. Goggles for eye protection. basic electronic hand tools prepared by: john lexter l. emberador fdriving tools ftypes of screw driver ffsoldering tools ffsplicing tools ffboring tools ffhand tools fcutting tools ffauxiliary tools fffvom measurements fwhat is vom? Gloves (leather or rubber) Hearing protectors. Tool belt: To keep frequently used tools within easy reach. 1. Electronic Components Conventional mammography requires that all components of the imaging sequence be performed properly. Clean up the garage, get a toolbox, and fill it with the necessities listed below. Each equipment plays a role on its own in the office. Various high quality tools for electronics assembly and repair technicians. Home appliances such as Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Air Conditioner, Microwave Oven, Vacuum Cleaner etc. Then, place your digital multimeter (DMM) in the diode check mode. Best for visualization and reporting. 2. A soldering iron is a pencil-shaped tool which uses a heating element to bring the tip to between 500 and 650 F, hot enough to melt electrical solder. Circuit concepts important to power electronics Some tools for approximate analysis of power . Power Electronics Question and Answers - Diode Circuits-2 and Answers. Different types of material are need for ESD Protection: ESD Mat. High reliability of power electronic converter systems. The basic Peen hammer will have a ball head on one side and a flat face head. Describe the symptoms of heat-related illnesses. You may already be familiar with the typical wrenches and screwdrivers, but you will need to know more, such as about voltage meters and even single and multiphase compressor testers. Step 2: Circuits A circuit is a complete and closed path through which electric current can flow. Digital Electronics Chapter-wise Short Questions & Answers in Basic Electronics You will find lots of questions and answers in each chapter. Small size and less weight result in less space, therefore, lower installation costs. Best for ease of implementation and use. The dummy gives you an idea how the dress will look on a real person. Welding clamps allow you to firmly set up your work piece, so the welding will produce a tight joint. Types of Electronic Test Equipment. Hand tools are tools manipulated by hands without using electrical energy such as: puller, hacksaw, pull-push rule, pliers, hammer, and others. Ohm meter is a device that functions to measure the amount of electricity from a switch. Multimeter. 8 Philips Screwdriver It is use to loosen and tightening of philip or cross head screw. Use the right tool for the job. Dremel Drill - used in the shop strickly for drilling small holes in circuitboards for parts to be soldering into. Digital multimeter - This is the most versatile kind of testing device. 8.
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