radio luxembourg power playlist

Love your site. The deejays I remember were Sam Costa, John Jackson, Keith Fordyce, Pete Murray, Alan Freemand, Jimmy Saville and Brian Mathew and the sponsors - Horace Batchelor and his pools system, the Irish Hospital Sweepstakes -bless them all. And of course Estonia (19/01/2000). WFAN 66 AM - 101.9 FM 3. 67. Ik ben s'avonds blijven luisteren tot de Engelse service ophield te bestaan. 172. Richard Verrill I am not sure, may be it is not allowed. See MoreSee Less, David Bowie's handwritten Jean Genie lyrics sold for 57,000, sad news If there's one radio station that has won a warm spot in the collective memory of European radio listeners, it's no doubt Radio Luxembourg. Thanks for this interesting site that brought back lots of memories. Thanks for the memories. Why do they take so long to do the obvious?! radio luxembourg power playlist. East Yorkshire UK (02/02/2005). Damned. They don't make radio stations like Lux any more. thanks. I would like to know if possible please. I have ben here before, about 4 years go. :) 359. 325. Bud Watson, USA (17/04/2006). 1. Great memory,s. Where is you now Mike Hollis, Tony Prince, Bob Stewart, Stuart & Ollie Henry, Peter Ross, Marc Wesley, Rob Jones, Barry Alldis and other gold D.J.s I remember you everyday ?????????? Hi! 15 (6) Love Like A Man (10 Years After) Very nice site! Radio Luxembourg went the way of all things and passed on eventually, and it turns out no-one kept a record of their charts. Venice, Italy (08/01/2008). Geoffrey Ings Luxemburg kwam was Christina daar al Isral) every night! It took a couple of days to search by mom's on the dial until I found it, and what a discovery it was! Dont know what songs been playing on the radio? Thank you so much Dick for your amazing website. 79. Livingston, Scotland (29/03/2005). Greetings! San Diego, California, USA (21/11/2007). 730. Thank you for this site, it is fantastic. The hardest thing was to get a clear signal!1 but it was worth it. Radio C Luxembourg - Alternative Music and Classic Hits best dj i have ever heard - barry aldis . HELP one question? We have a copy of 'At The End of The Day'. Rest in peace Dickie Davies. Copenhagen (16/01/2002). 7. Heb goede herinneringen aan the big 208. Have had a Top Twenty for many years. 622. I used to listen to Radio Luxemburg when I lived in Holland in 1969. :) My second exposure to RL was when I was again stationed with the US Army in Neubrucke, Germany from 1976 -1979. but please could you tell me what happened to stuart henry ? Reasons for closing down? Guys, girls and groups Thank you, SLAINTE that I see people are talking about? 496. Please mail me back if there is any chance to get more info. In the 60s I was at boarding school. met veel plezier naar luisterden. Radio Luxembourg: classic jingles (English service) - SoundCloud Mainly seeking info on who introduced the Jimmy Shand programme that everything stopped for in 56/57, except the feet. Hi Dick! Giulio 363. The photograph with the caption "Stuart Grundy (Photo's: Hans Knot archive)is NOT Stuart Grundy but ME - talking to the Editor of "Fabulous" magazine when they did a big full edition on 208. 513. We had a terrific re-union in London back at the beginning of 2000, Paul was there aswell as Mike Read, Kid Jensen, Ian Brass (Brasso), Mark Wesley, Rob Jones and many moresadly I couldn't get Benny Brown to come over from Germany despite my pleading on the phone. Always a fan of 208; particularly Barry Alldis. Sunday 1 August 1965 amsterdam/nederland (30/11/200). Can you tell me if I'm right, or tell me how to find out? Dave Stark Hello to Todd Slaughter - I was one of those fans you took to Luxy and still look at my old photos and wish I could go back to the best days of my life! Milano, Italy ((26/05/2010), 774. gong. First time I've seen pictures of the "The Royal Ruler"where is he now? Toen Annemarie Coebergh bij Yan Chicago, Illinois 60625 (28/09/2003). I found your address on the Net, and I also enjoyed the jingles you had on Greg Offringa Boston, MA USA (04/06/1998). How time flies. Cathedral" is leuk, zeker weten maar de SFEER is These discjockeys presented programs too; like "Sundays requests" , One tune that was frequently played in the period that I describe was "Because They're Young" by Duanne Edddy. North East England (28/03/2001). by the time we heard it. after all this years 205. EN. 759. Chris Keating (01/11/1998). Oakland, USA (12/08/2010). Pure nostalgia, I love it; it is I am back in Poland catching "the station of the stars" on my Tatry radio with the music from the "forbidden" west. Lovosice, Czech Republic (20/03/2007). Wow! This was the first time in my life I met him; always my favourite deejay. everybody in Europe could hear the sound of fading Radio Luxembourg; on the great 208. Railton Howes 450. Gene Radio Luxembourg used the transmittor for the German and The Dutch/English Service; Sweden (09/04/2002). Mooie update van je site. Really interesting reading through the comments. Almost, Worldwide saviour! Denmark (17/12/001). Can anyone help? I wrote it down sundays LuX-list and does list was very happy reading, becouse i don't wrote then english. Thank you, I love you. Sleeuwijk (Nederland) (25/01/2006). Publishers Association. Sony CFD-ZW755 CD, AM/FM Radio, Cassette Boombox with Remote, Mega Bass MA I HAVE NEVER LOST THE PATIENCE. Anne Michaelis Nice report. Mark Miller(02/05/2005). 54. 841. I've found there all the information I need to restore my old tapes from the sixties. Gary Burgham As an Air Force brat I used to listen to radio Lux while living in Ramstein and Bitburg Germany. Copenhagen (27/12/2002). Robert Harland And still is. From 1958 till 1966 he was the presenter of the English Top Twenty; during the whole night Bought first small pocket size trannie to take to school too! 217. Denis Pasquale 287. Toronto, Canada (13/08/2012). bij ! Your website is a joy and absolute pleasure to read and listen too again and again! 678. England (05/03/2006). Going to Rock-am-Ring June 2005 with my teenage sons, hope to have a little detour past Marnach to show them where the signal that all we oldies listened to and talk about came from. 499. what was the music that was played at the end of transmission every night , think it was by alan haven. Bill Evans UK (16/02/2001). Yours, Daniel Nottet bought back so many good times,Tuesday nights chart etc. 381. This site has brought great memories of my youth! I loved listening to Radio Luxembourg as a kid. band waar ook veel van Radio Luxemburg op staat. Such marvelous times with such wonderful friends, Bob Stewart (we shared a house and enjoyed much laughter together), Stuart and Ollie Henry (those nights when I stayed til' the early hours - where exactly did all those bottles of wine go?, Mike Hollis, Peter Antony, Dave Christian, Mike Knight and a few others. Love the site. 193. Sad to see stn has gone. London (14/8/1999). geluisterd. Verkeerde knop. 486. My Philips Radio - 1953 July 2, 1951 - 208 m. (1439 kHz. As we kids of the mid 60's are growing older it is a very special delight to listen to our good old "208" .. which we had to listen either in the middle of the night or on Sundays before the meal was ready.LOL.. Buy online. Great Stuff..Congrats! I remember those days with much love .. what fun we had .. Mooie site, Dick. One was Eric DeLaney a drumer and of course I always listened to radio Luxembourg,who did not. shows These were the days when music was music. Dear, Dick! Richard Green Elvis' Teen and Twenty Disc Club number was 11321. became better in the middle of the night. Thanks again. 155. "All Of You Out There" by Duncan McKenzie. In June of 1978 I arrived at Prum Air Station Germany, I found Lucky, Radio Luxemburg and was a listener of the night time English broadcast for 2 years. Absolutely brilliant website, great pics, great info, great memories. The Swedish Boradcastiong refused to broadcast it so Radio Luxemburg did and my fathers Company Advertised during that Boxing Match. Thanks for the memories the site is great. 161. 275. Surprise Surprise!! I listened to my transistorradio under the blanket to the tune of Radio Lux Top Twenty. Just before we arrived he presented Tuesday's Requests. Before the start of the offshore stations I'll have to listen to Radio Luxembourg. k. laustsen Almost every night myself and my buddies would listen to 208. Many thanks to find this site from you. 13 (-) I, Who Have Nothing (Tom Jones) Hamilton, Canada (27/12/2003). Alternatively, you can select which cookies or technologies you want to allow in "Settings". A long shot I know. Thank you very much. Radio Luxembourg (Station of the Stars) is never died!! you homepage. George Karamanov Making the world more beautiful then. Anyway, I hope you are well. among other shows. when I was doing my military job in my country near by syria on 1978, I was still your listener. 199. Wat ik nu zo graag wil weten, zijn er nog opnamen verkrijgbaar van uitzendigen van de Engelstalige uitzendingen van eind 60 of begin zeventiger jaren?? 184. Saint Petersburg, Russia (30/12/2005). Ivan Sewell Groetjes aan alle zeezender fans. about Station of my stars from London W1. Reading, Berkshire, England (22/8/1999). I did not believe it was really Luxembourg station. R.I.P. Maybe you have seen it? Lets face it they had no competition; so later when there was competition the station had to close down probably because it was loosing money. best regs and good luck with maintaining your site. Mirko Wiolicki :)) My favourite show was of course Sunday's Top Twenty with " Your DJ BA" sponsored by Mr Horace Batchelor in Kaynsham spelt Kaynsham Middlesex. Robert Wylie It is funny to see how many people that All very sad. Hi guys, Every time i see the name Radio Luxemburg, I always have a little smile to myself! 761. Paul Any other 'listeners' of that era - 50's. Best wishes & thanks again, Thanks. Just wish there was a Doc who could take me back to those Days. Glasgow (04/07/2007). Thank you. Boekelo (25/08/2003). Thanks. 260. classic much missed station from the 60's so many memories.. Sergei Malyutin southport uk 02-07-2005. Used to listen to 208 in the 50's while I was supposed to be asleep. He had to play peaces of tapes (voice tracks) mixed with records. Hello Mr Offringa! Any news on where to find Rob F. Jones? Radio Luxembourg Charts | popchartfreak Can you remember a tune that they used to end with. Northern Ireland (15/02/2004). I was a fan of Radio Luxembourg since 1969. Or do you know anyone else who might have any luxy recordings. Now a complete new 208 studio was downstairs. To mark beginning and the end of the commercials they had placed small paper 534. Good job! and kept them in a folder. This radio station was the BEST ever I don't understand why did it have to end. 474. He was found at his flat in Roundhay, Leeds, on Saturday - just two days before his 85th birthday. Heb een berichtje achtergelaten op zijn hotmailadres maar hier reageert hij niet op. 1959 -1960 could be fun. 115. dan Great information - but I don't really know what I am looking for. 651. den radio ein,- hoffte immer dass der empfang gut war Thanks, and until next time. Vicky Button It was also very nice to find your pages concerning Radio Veronica and RNI. I have forwarded your site to all my milatary friends with whom I have kept contact. Saltash, UK (13/10/2008). All the best to all of you wherever you may live. I also recommend I liste to radio 1957. Simon Tate Thanks for what you gave me in my younger days. I was All the evenings were spent listening to the (then)only source of popular music available in the UK - Radio Luxembourg, I still have fond memories of "The Station of the Stars" and "208 metres." Good on ya, Bob! We are old now :-) With the Hallicrafters and a random-length wire aerial I was able to pull in NHK (Japan), Radio Brazzaville, Radio Tangier (a now-defunct religious broadcaster) and HCJB (still a religious broadcaster), and WRUL (the only non-government shortwave broadcaster in the US), and of course the Voice of America. Radio Luxembourg | Free Internet Radio | TuneIn Portland, Oregon (15/08/2005). of the man into wonderful the sixties - years of the care-free youth, happy years And these jingles and 462. Gigi Masin And for the first time (after listning so many years) we saw how the programs were made. Dear sir: I remember a late night programme on the radio in 1980 called "Music your Mother wouldn't like". The Royal Ruler - on this part of the stations history, or point me in the direction of anywhere that can help me. Richard Brooks Luxembourg in 1970-1980s, doing my school lessons together with Lux :). Do you know were to find all the Lists of Top Twenty? glasgow scotland (23/09/2005). 44. My wish is that R. Luxy will come back on air soon - as Radio Caroline. Would especially like to hear from any Luxy fans in Finland! It was an ordinary former Czestochowa, Poland (07/07/2010). 593. That night between 21.15 and 22.15 hours we were again in the studio. 17. Whilst I listen to my Tape of the Last Night (Which I tuned into - Purely by LUCK?) Lint, Belgie (05/03/2005). Michael Jay Bernard Michaux On this I would tune in to R.Lx. Ron O'Quinn I used to listen to Luxembourg in North homethree floors high plus basement, quite narrow and deep. Alton Andrews Radio Lux Peter Wright. I listened to Lux much of the time in the early 60's. Peter Kelly Radio Luxembourg Archive - Special Collections - The University Library Hy teachers i was one of your students learning to do self up in 1988,89.with Mike Night and Andy Haward Bob Stewart Oh la la Unforgetable time Great web side Adrian Juste, Bill Pertwee (Dads Army), Liz Frazer, Frank Carson, Danny La Rue, 566. Robert Janik denk ik. net. Thank goodness Zbyszek I think that this site is the best thing I have ever seen! Gosh what memories. Stephen Haugh Jeff Vagg, London (25/08/2000). gegrift en doet je goed.

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