malleus monstrorum the trove

The music filled the air, firstly caressing the senses with playful capriccio, then the tempo increased and became a volatile and unpredictable capriccioso. Take this hand and find oblivion. The tears are collected by the cult, who believe the fluid holds wondrous properties of healing and made into a wine of rare virtue that is jealously kept for cult ceremonies. In the modern age, a handful of archaeological excavations (mainly in the North American and Canadian regions) have uncovered variously sized statues or idols that bear an uncanny resemblance to this Old One. A cavalcade of monsters and godlike alien intelligences beyond human understanding are all vividly detailed and portrayed, with over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. The enigmatic cave paintings discovered by Pierre Asselin in Patagonia in 1881 seem to show a number of strange bird-like demons clustering around a particularly large dragon-like creature, all in the process of massacring what look to be fleeing humans. Occasionally, the distasteful enterprises of human worshippers may come to attention, leading to the discovery of cannibal-like families or secret societies devoted to the Charnel God. Is it immune to mundane weapons? On Earth, the Kruschtya Equation is something of myth among mathematicians. Such cults, like the Green Hand, the Brotherhood of Oak, and the Dirt Eaters, tend to be fanatical and highly committed to breaking down societal norms as a means for humanity to live as animals. Malleus Monstrorum: Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - Touch the water and feel its writhing tentacles rise up to embrace you. It may also throw up its bulk and smash down to crush. Such debate appears stagnant and, until further evidence becomes known, remains conjecture. Combat Attacks per round: 5 (strike, crush) Cyegha tends to float or drift over an area, randomly picking targets to crush with its tentacles. The body flexes and the limbs begin to move with the sound of grinding rock. Some broods work differently and are able to form a gestalt organism to masquerade as a human (see Eihort, Broodling of). Note that anything touched by Cthugha may catch on fire; if an investigator, call for a Luck roll to determine if clothing and/or hair catch alight (causing 1D6 damage per round until put out). Encounters Touch of Pain: anything touched by Cxaxukluth instantly burns and melts (inflicting 10D6 damage). For details concerning spider parasites see the box nearby. Zoth Syra and Yoth Kala are the names given to two gigantic slime-based entities dwelling in the Green Abyss, which is believed by most to be located in the deepest part of Earths oceans. Possibly, it has some means of interfering with magical summons, allowing it to hijack summoning requests made to other entities; thus, those summoning the Dark Mother may find Utulls-Hrher appearing instead. Certainly, at least two groups both claiming the Smothering Hand name appear to exist; one possibly operating among the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, USA, while another apparently separate group at work in Germany. The victim may attempt to break free with a successful Extreme STR or DEX roll; limbs may be severed if targeted (imposing a penalty die to the attack roll) and if suffering more than 6 damage. No single cult venerates the Horned One, although numerous groups may hold this figure as a symbol or icon within their devotions or magical practice. From time to time, Arwassa appears in tomes containing accounts of Medieval Europe, particularly those concerning France, Germany, and Hungary, although often named as a demon or hell fiend. Such accounts tend to describe the entity as laying waste to castles or small communities, leaving no survivors; however, a small number more accurately recount the visitation as driving the people TABLE: HIT LOCATION Roll 1D20 Location Effect 13 Right leg 46 Left leg 710 Abdomen Instant death. In addition, the Skinless One bestowed magical gifts and powerful spells, which Sedefkar taught to others and which later helped to form the Brotherhood of the Skinless One. 124 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Often, such schemes may be revealed to act against the interests of Nyarlathotep or, confusingly, in support of that Outer God, or may be aligned or arrayed against another Mythos entity. Language of Pain: the deity forms a psychic link with a follower, forcing them to hear the Old Ones messages, which are conveyed in a horrendous mixture of booming and shrill languages (some non-human) that actually cause physical and mental pain. With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. Such living cult members appear to crave Glaakis embrace, longing for the un-life it offers. Such forces may knock over or cause objects to fly through the air. View cart . Possible Blessings Touch of Doom: hands become a channel of the deity, when placed on a human they burn and corrupt flesh (1D6 damage per round); eyes instead of hands may deliver similar results. The ability works within a 5 yard/meter area, allowing sight of all directions, behind walls, inside containers, and so on, all at once. Extended proximity causes plants, animals, and humans to freeze solid (humans may avoid this fate by wrapping up warmly). Some unfortunates may fall foul of cultists who wish to use their minds to empower their own dream quests (using such victims minds as a living battery to fuel their own mindjourneys into dreams), or those who would draw upon Hypnos power to trap and snare enemies within dreams. Hit Points: 45 Damage Bonus (DB): +3D6 (+4D6*) Build: 5 (6*) Move: 14 *SIZ 125 in monstrous lizard form, granting increased DB and build. Magic POW: 500 Magic Points: 100 Spells: Augury, Bestow Glimpse of Truth, Fist of YogSothoth, Summon (various monsters); others dealing with time and space at the Keepers discretion. Hit Points: 58 Damage Bonus (DB): +4D6 to +5D6 (depending on SIZ) Build: 5 to 6 (depending on SIZ) Move: 16 Combat Attacks per round: 4 (striking, bludgeoning) or 1 (engulf ) Attacks by engulfing victims, sucking away their life force and dissolving their bodies (nothing is left of Mordiggians prey but their clothes and items). Magic POW: 375 Magic Points: 75 Spells: none. Even when all Sanity is gone and their Cthulhu Mythos skill is 100 percent or more, such things cannot totally give meaning to the unknowable. Such work is undertaken at both the small and large levels of human society. The cost of creating the Gate is 2 magic points, while the cost for anyone to use the Gate is 1 magic point and 1 Sanity point. Your other teammates should focus on dealing with the hordes coming at you, as trust us, there will be hordes.For a feat build, were looking to get as many benefits and bonuses from Warp Charges and Brain Bursts as possible. In the modern world, agents of both camps often work to destroy the other, with their civil war causing issues and distractions on both sides, with humanity often caught in the middle. colors may not appear as expected, sounds are slowed or speeded up, and so on). Thereafter, Iod plunges its many limbs into the victim and drains their lifeforce. In human reckoning, Hypnos seems to have first come to the attention in the ancient world of the Greeks (ancient Roman also, where the god was called Somnus). Aura While many mind-bending Mythos deities exist, YogSothoths manifestations are possibly the most terrifying to behold, due to its abhorrent and otherworldly appearance, which is not only visual but conveys its alien-ness also through temperature, sound, and psychic vibrations. Powers Call Cats: can instantaneously summon dozens of cats to her side to perform her will. Indeed, while there does not appear to be an overarching and organized worldwide cult, there are many cults across the world, usually with no knowledge of the others. Ahtu does not make frequent visits to the Earth and may be a mask worn when dealing with (unknown) alien races rather than humanity, although this avatar is believed to have appeared in Asia, Africa, and possibly Australia, where it is said it rose up from deep below the ground, causing earth tremors and much consternation. The appearance of one or more byakhee (or adherents of the Unspeakable Oath or spawn of Hastur) in the neighborhood within the next 24 hours, come to find and examine the individual and deem whether they are worthy to be taken away to visit with the Old One. check out process. Thus, effigies and representations may vary in form, from a scaly, bloated, and boneless monstrosity (or human-like corpse) to an octopoid horror, or from a tentacular spherical being to a crustaceanlike thing composed of multiple rigid and soft limbs. Of course, often some individuals escape arrest or death and go on to found new groups, bringing the tainted creed of Ygolonac to others. Some regard Utulls-Hrher as an avatar of Shub-Niggurath (or, otherwise a unique being spawned by that Outer God), while a few speak of it being a twin to Glaaki. Those faced with Daoloth uncontained, if they have not already moved to depart the area, may be granted a single DEX roll to avoid the gods touch in their frantic bid to escape. The writings go on to say that the creatures body was buried in a hidden place in the lonely British countryside. Designed for 5th Edition Pendragon. Touch: may inflict 2D10+2D6 damage or, instead, instantly transport the target to another place. Given its current subterranean location, one assumes it would be extraordinary if any such seeds found their way to Mars surface, into space, and on to Earth. Magic POW: 250 Magic Points: 50 Spells: Bait Human (variant), Contact Formless Spawn, Fist of Yog-Sothoth, Summon Dimensional Shambler; others as the Keeper desires. Brood Carrier: those accepting Eihorts Bargain carry the deitys brood within them. Author: Rob McCreary. Alternatives can be found in the second sticky thread. Other names: Angel of Music, Azathoths Lullaby, the Discordance. Powers Magical Immunity: any magic focused at Mguleloc is ineffective unless the wizard achieves a Hard POW at the moment of spellcasting, with all associated costs lost in 127 CHAPTER 2 m a l the process. If facing a powerful foe, may use its Dismissal power (see above), or simply remove itself from the situation. Each time thereafter when the person sleeps or sees the Yellow Sign, they should make a Sanity roll (0/1 loss). Combat Attacks per round: 2 (vine whips or grasp/drain) Vines and plant tendrils may strike forth in a whip-like fashion (1D3 to 1D6 damage) or can grasp and then drain the life from a target, leaving nothing but a dry husk. So you want to purchase the physical version, but really want to get your hands on Apparently, some isolated deep one communities still worship Byatis alongside Great Cthulhu, while some artifacts believed to have been created by serpent people show images of a creature that bears a remarkable likeness to Byatis, suggesting its worship may have at one time spread to the serpent race. Each piece may be regrown into the Old One over the course of one million years. 207 CHAPTER 2 m a l Tulzscha, the green flame Sanity Loss: 1D4/2D10 Sanity points. Of course, in places where they lurk, yuggs may be found holding rites and offering sacrifices to Ythogtha. 60% (30/12), damage 1D6 40% (20/8), damage 6D6 60% (30/12), victim absorbed, death on following round Telepathy: able to communicate with its own spawn over any distance, and also with humans. While too many to list in full, some of Scotts favorite authors include HPL, Robert Bloch, Ramsey Campbell, Thomas Ligotti, TED Klein, and Charles Grant. Perhaps its fantastical trails of flame combine with the Music of the Spheres, weaving the elements together to produce the enchantment designed to stop Azathoth from waking? TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: CTHUGHA STR 400 CON 600 SIZ 700 Hit Points: 130 Damage Bonus (DB): +13D6 Build: 14 Move: 4 flying DEX 100 Aura Combat Attacks per round: 3 (flaming pseudopods) or 1 (flame burst) May send forth up to three flaming pseudopods to strike, flail, or squeeze opponents, or may forego those attacks and create a flame burst once every other round. HASTALK (Great Old One) Seemingly formless, its touch corrupts entire worlds. Of course, nothing is ever certain, and there do appear to be moments when the entity wakes briefly before returning to deeper slumbersuch moments usually herald great catastrophe somewhere in the universe. Humans may resist with a successful POW roll. Here, the Old One is worshiped by both necromancers and ghouls, STR 175 CON 380 SIZ 200* DEX 100 *SIZ may vary, from 100 to 300, depending on the form taken. Presumably more tombs are waiting to be discovered, although some claim the Cult of Sebek never truly died out, and its members still work to guard the sleep of their blessed dead while also attempting to recreate a means to bring their god back to Earth. Animate the Dead: able to animate the dead at a cost of 1 magic point per animation (be they animals, humans, or other). When considering a design of your own, use the following questions to help guide you. Regenerates 2 hit points per magic point spent in healing itself (death at zero hit points). Quick Malleus Monstrorum update: the slipcase sets will go on sale at this coming Monday, 14th December (US & AUS). The legend says Sir Gilbert gained some form of hold over the creature below his home, granting him power in return for feeding people to the monster. While most of these have long since decayed or been destroyed, some may still exist intact deep in the ground; indeed, some contemporary worshippers may possess age-old relics of Gol-goroth that trace their history back centuries. Given that mention of this deity appears less than others, one may surmise that either it was indeed trapped somehow for many years or that it takes little interest in the affairs of the planet and its inhabitants, and only makes its presence known to a few on rare occasions. Wine connoisseurs and collectors, as well as those seeking the secrets of eternal life, may hear rumors of the cults miraculous bottles and seek to obtain them, using any means available to them. The strands grow thicker as they weave together, forming a rounded bulb-like mass, which lies at the center of this dense, outer patchwork of flowing limbs. 27 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult Arwassa is worshiped by individuals who then recruit a small following of adherents. If the POW roll is fumbled, the character becomes a slave to the avatar, following its orders to the point of self-destruction, with this control lasting for 1D6 days (the effect may be broken with a successful Hard POW roll, allowed once per day thereafter). With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. Does it possess armor? Empower Stone: places magical energy and wisdom into a stone (usually a black pillar, obelisk, or similar), allowing its servants to benefit by placing their hands upon the stone when the moon is waning (i.e. DEITY SPELLS AND POWERS While close combat and spell contests between investigators and Great Old Ones are likely to end in sorrow for the players, some groups make wish to take the fight literally to the Mythos gods (this may especially be true in games of Pulp Cthulhu). The cult tended to high ceremonial rituals, with members often dressed in lavish attire, and priests donning crocodile masks fashioned from gold or gold leaf. Sometimes, the curse manifests in a bloodline, causing babies to be born with serpentine features or as full snakes. Thus, crystals work as conduits to spread the whispers of this Old One and enable it to mentally possess most lesser races (humans included). Here, we note that Janith was able to survive an encounter with Mguleloc as she was at the time hidden from view, due to some enchantment of invisibility bestowed by an artifact she calls the Sphere of Confusion. While scholars continue to debate the nature and existence of the Sphere of Confusion, its effect of turning its user invisible seem to have saved Janiths life, as when Mguleloc could find no sustenance after it has eaten Old Paul ( Janiths manservant), it departed back from whence it came. This avatar is worshiped only by the shan and the mi-go. Indeed, it appears content to wait in its lair and feed upon those who are brought to it by worshippers or else upon those who inadvertently cross its path. are registered trademarks. Those fully drained of POW die, their bodies becoming withered husks. One tale suggests that it has come to land at least once if the accounts from the Mortimer-Parkes Expedition are to be believed; these partial and damaged papers being all that remained of the team (sponsored by Ketchum Parkes Industries) that mysteriously disappeared from Saint Paul Island in the Indian Ocean in 1903. The Gaming Gang,A Monstrous Manual Reviewed. Again, common to all is a pair of long and narrow wings rising from the back. Thus, the longer the Lady stays to orchestrate, the worst the situation becomes. Others, touched by the hand of cosmic knowledge, want more. Those encountering shrines, effigies, or coming into contact with Xada-Hgla will primarily be overcome with its alienness. Depictions and objects clearly demonstrate its otherworldly nature and will feel wrong and unwholesome. Certain accounts suggest there is enmity or some form of abhorrence between Cthugha and the Outer Gods, as, on Earth, worshippers of Cthugha have acted against the interests of a cult of Nyarlathotep cultists. 140 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Possible Blessings Kn-yanian worshippers may find they are transported into the black sun to momentarily join with their deities; most return severely changed by the experience. Change Form: able to instantly change form, and may fashion a form taken from the mind/memory of the viewer(s). 61 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult Tidal Wave: the movement of its massive body combined with its will (2 magic points), creates monstrous tidal waves able to capsize boats and devastate coastal communities. Historically, ceremonial rites dedicated to BMoth have encompassed wild and frantic dancing, depraved orgies, and savage acts of violence. Glagga Nour Combat Attacks per round: 1 (envelop or wave) Envelops target, pulling them into its liquid mass, where victim is drained of 1D6+1 damage and 4D10 STR (blood loss) per round. Survivors successfully treated with First Aid or Medicine may regain CON at a rate of five points per 24 hours; note that an Extreme success with the medical care also negates the effects of a failed Luck roll. A pool of gray stinking foulness, quivering and swelling in disjointed rhythm, and at its edges was a tide of obscene offal. The primary method of earthly intervention for the entity appears to come from its ability to speak to receptive humans through dimensional walls. Alleged to have originated in England, around the mid to late 1800s, the cult has spread outward, with small groups existing across Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Tusks: high priests and priestesses may find tusks growing from their mouths (in time, capable of dealing 1D6+DB damage). Otherwise, encounters will probably arise from interaction with Yu-mengtis worshippers, who use murder, bribery, and kidnapping as tools to further their schemes. 163 CHAPTER 2 m a l NYARLATHOTEP: AVATAR PROFILES Sample profiles of various avatars; see individual avatar entries for Sanity loss and specific powers. SAAITII (Lesser Old One/Unique Entity) I saw its pallid snout first, then its immense bulk rising behind like a great hill. Each time Cymaeghis tears are consumed, call for a Luck roll: if failed, strange growths appear on the individuals body, which in time open as eyes. By the modern age, only four mummified priests of Sebek have ever been found, and these discoveries all appeared to end in tragedy, with violent deaths alleged to have claimed the lives of the archaeologists concerned. While the answers to such questions remain elusive, scholars continue to wonder at the power of those able to fashion the natural order of planets to their will. In addition, the entity has been known to appear in dreams, although whether this is due to the deitys own mental projection or anothers magical visions is unknown. Tendrils: able to shoot out to a range of 10 yards/meters to a single target and drain their blood (or magic points, see above). A tangible exercise in body horror is likely. Within this future place, bringing the dead back to life is the greatest of transgressions and insures an attack by Mordiggian ghoul priests (and possibly the Old One itself ). This first time out I break out my 2nd edition GURPS boxset with a treasure trove of ancient documents. A short-E is written E or EH; a long-E is written EE. This may be a simple matter of light versus darkness, although one would suspect this division and animosity are born out of deeper and perhaps hidden considerations. While Nodens and humanity may, for the most part, be aligned in both wishing to keep the terrors of the Old Ones locked away, such alignment is but a brief second in the scale of deep time, and subject to change at any moment. Sometimes, a few lucky people manage to escape the maze of tunnels, but most either die from starvation or force themselves to eat what strange growths and creatures they find, causing them to eventually lose their humanity and become something else. It reforms in 1D10+20 years. Aura Cult Death and fate figure largely in modeling the atmosphere of this entity. We have - at last! Apparently, the Brotherhood (and perhaps the Daughters) followed a single leader, with each group acting independently yet bound together by their worship. that the entity feeds both literally and psychically upon the death and destruction its scream inspires. Some suggestions include: Magic POW: 175 Magic Points: 35 Spells: Bestow Glimpse of Truth, Bring Pestilence, Circle of Nausea, Drain Youth, Liquidity, Oscillating Expanse, Possess Corpse, Possession, Power Drain, Shrivelling, Song of Hastur, Summon Byakhee, Swelling Torment, Touch of Decay, The Unspeakable Promise, Wrack; others as desired by the Keeper. Encounters While tokens or artifacts depicting Iod are possible, most are liable to encounter Iod via its loathsome cultists or those despicable wizards who would delve into death magic and necromancy. This Cult of Zoth-Ommog is known for the creation of idols that hold a power that may be used to assist in the summoning of their deity, calling forth its mind to temporarily inhabit a host body so it may deliver guidance to the cults members. If the texts are to be believed, one person (sometimes named as Francesca Creux) was touched by Azathoth, an event that granted her the ability to empty a persons mind and allow a sliver of Azathoth to fill the void. If nearby, humans may be coerced into performing Abhoths will if they fail an Extreme POW roll; while those far away will only be affected if failing a Regular POW roll and, in this case, the coercion is unclear and those affected just feel a pull or yearning to go somewhere or do something (they will not go against their own interests though). The impression was strong: that of a huge white worm, whose bulbous and segmented flesh was coiled into a blubber pile upon a great dais. Other names: the Feasting One, the Hungerer, the Thing on the Ivory Throne. Current thought suggests the former. Thus, this deity remains relatively unknown and mysterious. CLASSIFICATIONS GREAT AND LESSER OLD ONES The Great Old Ones appear to be immensely powerful alien beings with supernatural-seeming abilities but are apparently not as powerful, as old, nor all-consuming as the Outer Gods. A common belief for such cultists is an assurance of their coming death, of which they have little fearthus, they act without regard for their own safety, believing that they will be rebirthed when Ghroth eventually returns to Earth. Do you hear their song? Alternatively, Ythogtha may instead cause other illusions to manifest to trap, trick, or otherwise harm those it encounters; the Keeper should apply Sanity loss as appropriate to the illusion, which may be resisted with a POW roll, or an Extreme POW roll later, if first failed. The deity, and its favored, may see through these dead-eyed sentinels, while also reading their living brains to pluck out useful information. the milk may at first heal, but later begin to corrupt and/or transform an individual). Horror Roleplaying in the Worlds of H. P. Lovecraft. Such cults as there are may deposit idols or effigies of the deity for some purpose, bringing doom to those unfortunates who look upon these nasty figurines. Known cults of Yog-Sothoth include the Followers of Yet, the Convocation of Time, and the All-Seeing Ones. Human cults to Cythulos are rare and tend to be short-lived affairs, due to them being primarily death cults. At times, the avatar takes on a semimonstrous visage, with serpentine hair, black eyes, claws, and fangs. At times its form seemed like a human wrapped in a cloak, while at others it twisted into uncanny outlines that I could barely attribute to man or beast, these being more like clusters of mathematical shapes: curves, triangles, spheres 213 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult or simply appear as a crazed conglomeration of angles and shapes. Scott David Aniolowski and Stphane Gesbert: Lilith. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: CHAUGNAR FAUGN STR 325 CON 700 Hit Points: 90 Damage Bonus (DB): +6D6 Build: 7 Move: 20 SIZ 200 Possible Blessings Mesmerize: able to hypnotize others (winning an opposed POW roll) to question them or to perform tasks (not harmful to themselves). Possible Blessings Green Decay: may bestow a spell that causes the green decay to affect living humans. bullets). Thus, humans can fall easily for the Lady/Man of the Woods, becoming unwitting servants of their desire and driving them to undertake whatever tasks are commanded of them. Sometimes, when enough have been transformed, a great urge for destruction possesses their minds, driving them to travel across land to sack and destroy communities. Once it begins to bloom, the seed causes the host to tire quickly (reducing MOV by 1 point, forcing a CON roll when undertaking physical exertion, and reducing magic points by one-half ), with this phase lasting around 1D6 days. Given that Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg body is attractive to earthly vermin and insects (see below), infestations of such creatures in a locality may signify the gods imminent arrival or presence. Does it possess a specialism or control something? Apart from the Seekers of Pharol, the entity remains more or less unknown to the rest of humanity. malleus monstrorum 7th edition pdf free. malleus monstrorum the trove instead. How organized and expansive are any cults? If so, then make sure to set its MOV rating within the bounds of the human ability to run away or keep up with it. Yet with some fascination do they watch us, waiting for the aeons to pass until the cosmic tides draw them forth in their full splendor. 135 CHAPTER 2 m a l these beings are aberrant cast-offs from Cthulhu, sentient to a degree, but do not possess the full characteristics of the Old Ones. The Cult of Yig (originating with the serpent people, but spreading out independently to some humans) is considered the largest grouping, although most groups within this family are essentially unconnected and undirected, save for any commandment forthcoming from Yig itself. Five other operators also service this route. STR CON SIZ DEX Formless n/a n/a n/a n/a Satyr 100 100 60 80 Monstrous 200 100 200 50 Encounters While direct encounters with the Great God Pan are rare, travelers in wild places may be attacked or spy the transformed followers of this entity. How does it gain sustenance? Nothing is simple with this cult: it has many arms, hands, and heads, sometimes working in unison but mostly in ignorance of one another. Alternatively, the Armor None. Of note is the naming of the deity in the libretto of the banned opera Massa di Requiem per Shuggay, which features a single aria calling out this wondrous god. The truth of the matter remains, as ever with things concerning the Mythos, uncertain. Sanity Loss: 1/1D4 Sanity points to encounter and realize a spider parasite is controlling an associate. Cults to the Dark Mother appear to have existed during the Hyperborean age, and it is said temples to this entity were raised in Mu, Sarnath, and Kn-yan. Another text, the Sgsand Manuscript (14th century), said to have been written by priests of Raaee, is believed to contain a spell to summon Saaitii, and possibly one to banish it as well. It is able to produce a dizzying array of appendages, organs, and limbs will, yet these mostly appear to be random and without purpose to human eyes. Combat Attacks per round: 1 per target (strike, claw, grab, crush) May attack with numerous appendages (one per target), lashing out with tentacle- or arm-like limbs (4D6 damage) or grabbing and holding on. Impaling weapons (incl. Cant say what their heads are like as theyre tucked tight under those shells. Immune to bullets and impaling weapons. The deity departs, leaving nothing but strange footprints in the dusty remains of its victim. Are its prison wards weakening, allowing it more access outside? Possibly, surviving remnants of these ancient civilizations exist in the modern era. Unless an Extreme Dodge or Jump roll can move a target out of the way, they suffer 11D6 damage.

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