everquest afk mercenary leveling guide

These levels will go by in a flash, but watch out for the spiders. Good leveling guide for Necromancer :: EverQuest Free-to-Play General Nameds drop a pretty good belt and necklace. As soon as you hit 85, do this questline. To help you on your leveling journey, this EverQuest Leveling Guide has been updated for all updates and patches as of 2022. Frontier Mountain (BEST AREA FOR 100-108) - The giant fort has one named who drops a ring that is pretty in demand. Right click anywhere on this box and select "Puller" as your Main Roll. Keep clearing around til you hit 48-49. I just wanted to see why you felt AFK Merc killing was assish and if you felt the same about AFK killing. It does require player crafted items that may be harder to find, but not much harder I think. It's essentially a big hole in the ground, but the mobs have low HP and die fast. They hit a lot harder and have a lot of HP, so if you have trouble go back to spiders and other critters until 76-77. Head through the city in the mountain area toward Blightfire Moors. Unless you're 4 boxing or uber twinked, killing these will take some time, but about 3 kills will take you from 20 to 21. You will be doing these three HAs on a loop for a while. BACK TO ACTUAL ZONES THAT CHANGE!! A NOTE ON MERCENARIES AT 85: At 85, to assist players utilizing a Heroic Character (a character which is automatically leveled to 85 for you and given subpar but serviceable gear, a mount, and other goodies. Will be updating soon to include Ring of Scale. There are only a small handful of places where you have to fight more than one mob if you don't want to. I will annotate directions to the zones. They come in 2 flavors: Apprentice and Journeyman, each with 5 ranks. In comparison to their equivalent in Underfoot, the mobs are vastly easier. Very simple. There is also Defiant armor sets which give you incredible stats over a range of levels and are incredibly useful from 1-70. It's also a hot zone and that makes it really worth it. Passive: Your merc will not attack or heal anything. They are pretty well all headshotable by 63. 1. The Mercenary Liaison in Cresent Reach is due east of you, if you follow the path you'll run right into him. More of the same, except a larger portion of the zone is friendly. There is a sparkly pad to his left, which if you step on and wait will let you teleport to PoHate) - I dislike this place solo. If you're a damn the torpedos type, you can pull the fire troops around the giant Solusek Ro, who is standing there in all his glory. The easiest armor sets to get will probably be the sets from Hardcore Heritage. That said, some of the zones have been made hot zones. They are undead and you will reap them with Slay Undead/Ward Undead line spells. Begin murdering worgs, turning the quest in every 20 worgs. Everquest Leveling Guide - arealasopa Mob HP is ridiculously low since this is a vanilla zone and these levels go by without much attention having to be paid. The doombugs normally come in packs of 2 or 3 and aren't social with crows or scarecrows, who normally are single pulls but are social with each other. Kill dragons and drakkin on the north path until 81-82, then shift to the east path. Do they take up a group slot? You will need help doing it though. BEST IF SOLO AND 58-62: 48-62 - Grieg's End(PoK>Nexus>Netherbian Lair>Dawnshroud Peaks>Grieg's) - This zone is a pretty long haul out, and has a couple of pretty rough pulls to get into the zone if you're here at the lower end of the range. Just be kind and patient. All leveling guides post SoD have a different format and are written for players leveling with Mercenaries. I fully admit that there are abilities some classes have that completely lower the bar for entry to a zone or extend the life of a zone a couple of levels. Once you have some level 30 Mercenaries, you will want to level your future Mercenaries while grinding through tasks. It's a hotzone some of the time which is awesome and the rest of the time it has a crazy high dungeon experience bonus (maybe. JavaScript is disabled. Resplendent Temple is awful in my opinion, with it being nearly impossible to pull singles, and Pillars of Alra is hard to get to (you have to run through a lot of angry Alarins who can see invis in Resplendent Temple) and easy to get yourself killed in, for much the same reason. I would recommend this place only if you have a group of actual people. The mob density is incredible and you can clear the first three levels of the tower at a breakneck speed. If you took my advice and are at least two boxing, go inside the cave. In both places, just clear the zone. Some feedback as someone who was reading this hoping to come back: What does paying for live do for me? Wall of Slaughter (64-68)(Guild Hall>Buy Chipped Shard of Slaughter>TP to Wall of Slaughter) - Even with this not being a Hot Zone anymore, in this level range with a group this place is pretty great experience. Once you get going quickly with the HAs from Gribble, you can throw in some of the HAs from Skulk. WARNING: 'Hatching a Plan' mission next to PoK standalone bank has been nerfed into uselessness. Be careful about how much you aggro as the prophet's do Complete Heal. You will be teleported to Ethernere Tainted West Karana and now attuned to the Dead Hills. Talk to Marla Gaslow. Your toon classes are irrelevant. Fire, it depends, the stronger DS doesn't outbalance it's weak tankage. Passive: Your merc will not attack anything. You can follow it for some exp or ignore it like most people do and just fight out of the prison and then wander the zone killing everything. (25% was in Overthere when it was a hot zone.) The key zone for AFK leveling and AA grinding in the 65 to 80 level range is Wall of Slaughter. While you're on that sidebar, read the Returning/New Player FAQ. I didn't realize how good this zone was until I was recently leveling and grouped with a guy who dragged me out here. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Can I keep him when I shroud? At 45, start killing the spiders and gargoyles on the ground, then slowly work your way up. There are three total HAs he will give you. In addition, they are packed together. You can hire a Mercenary at any Mercenary Liaison. Gaesigs and Heligs on the water side come to mind on this. Let the mercenary do all the work for you. Everquest, Everquest Leveling Guides Since leveling speed in Everquest is determined by Hotzones, which changes every now and then it's hard to find a leveling guide for Everquest. It gives you access to Journeyman mercs and probably over 10k AAs at this point in Auto-Granted AAs. Start off killing drakes, snakes, and spiders. The other major reason is Alternate Advancement Auto-Grant. A discussion community about the greatest MMO of all time! This should be a priority. Undead mobs for your paladins to slay and lots of Dark Elves to murder. All rights reserved. The north and east you can at least run out if you botch a pull. Most of these zones are hotzones and no matter which set of zones is up at the time, one of them will be a hot zone. Grieg himself is often camped but if he is up be careful. Mobs are tightly packed in some places and lots of classes who can swarm like to swarm here because of it. Playing live has a few benefits. Plenty of zone to go around. Commands - EQWiki Hardest part of this zone is not dying in the fields. (On Test Server, these free additional accounts come with Gold subscription status versus the Silver status on a Live server.) EverQuest Cheats & Guides. Velkator's castle houses the highest level guys, mostly golems and gargoyles and you should come here around 52 and stay until about 55. The reason you select Journeyman is because the Journeyman mercenaries are better, stronger, faster and more advanced (Literally). At 55-62 move to very center area of the zone and kill bigger shades and vampires. Let the mercenary do all the work for you. You might not even need to spend 10 dollars, since DBG gives you 500 Daybreak Cash a month. Below the bridge is a giant ice lake covered in spiders and slimes. Make sure that the Tank Merc has been assigned the role of Main Tank. ALTERNATIVES: Anything in Underfoot (83-90)(Guild Hall>Buy Unrefined Brellium Ore>TP to Brell's Rest>Pellucid/Underquarry/Cooling Chamber/Kernagir) - I seriously dislike Underfoot. Camp Info AC: 20 Aug Ground Murkglider Eyes Blind Hunter Rekamu MPG, Camp Info AC: 25 Aug Flameshield Stone Pyrilen Riftseeker RSS, EverQuest AFK Leveling (and AA) Guide: Its all about 3 Boxing, Phinigel TLP Server Leveling for Human Paladin Freeport, EverQuest Next Landmark: Alpha First Impressions. However, this guide is designed to overcome the boring grind (your definition, the reader) that every player eventually faces. Question - - AFK Merc XP guides? | RedGuides: EverQuest Multi-boxing Roughly 80% of the mobs are rootable and headshottable so this is a really nice zone for AAing with a ranger. Own the Kunark Ascending expansion, which also allows the mercenaries to be trained and equipped with stat gear. 46-67 Veksar (PoK>Firiona Vie>Lake of Ill Omen>Veksar) - If you're a paladin, you really should consider living here through these levels, as most everything is undead. i.e. A properly set up box group can do everything but the final mission easily. It should open and let you swim through to The Hole zone. The center of the zone is all undead. If you hit "M" you can see your map. Press J to jump to the feed. Also something to keep in mind is if you complete the themes out of order you will not unlock the mercenaries from the theme's below it. The amount of experience you get varies upon level, but I know in the level 100 range, you get around 8-10% of a level per completion, as well at 1-2% for kills. When the mob starts to run, you want enough space for your merc team to finalize the kill before aggroing the mobs across the hall in the other room. The Simple and Rough sets will leave you well off. All About Mercenaries | EverQuest All About Mercenaries Mercenaries are NPCs for hire that will aid adventurers in their heroic endeavors. Ah yes. Level 5 Unlocked AA: Origin. Valdeholm (PoK>Blightfire>Goru'Kar>The Steppes>Icefall Glaciar>Valdeholm) - I absolutely love this place for these levels. A: When you shroud the mercenary is suspended, when you have enough money to pay for the mercenary you may unsuspend him. Once inside, just follow your map and keep heading back until mobs start getting close to your level. Based on the information provided my first thought was that the begging skillup RNG was better on higher level NPCs than lower level. Mercenaries - Fanra's EverQuest Wiki How this guide works: Player Level refers to the "sweet spot" level range for the player to both gain good experience while still being able to be effective (landing spells/melee) This doesn't mean you must be between this level range. ). Youre looking to create a merc team of Tank/ DPS/ Healer. !1111, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. As pay to play, you really don't break for AAs, just turn on autogrant and there you go. The gear isn't great but you will be earning so many Marks that you will be able to outfit yourself completely very very easily every 5 levels. Yeah that is no where near as good as it used to be. Kill these guys, turning in the quests as you finish them and then getting them again, until 75. The mob level goes up to 92-94. I recently did another playthrough and used this zone and realized I had forgotten entirely about the bottom half of the zone with the fungus men and golems. You essentially get all the levels while doing things you would do anyway. It works for some people and if you get in a good rhythm you can knock out quests really quick. The final camp here I am aware of is back inside the castle area on the way to the back of the zone. If you are an Everquest Free to Play player then you will be unable to select a Journeyman Mercenary. At 53 start heading down into the middle of the zone. Finally, while Heroic Adventures in Dead Hills, Ethernere Tainted West Karana, and throughout The Broken Mirror zones might be the "fastest" way to level, it's stupendously boring and repetitive. The lower level ones spawn outside their cave, with higher level ones as you move back. Neriak Fourth Gate (accessed off Neriak Third Gate or from ETWK if you've done attunement) - One of my favorite zones for grinding these levels out. Click it. If you're looking for the old information that used to be on this page you'll find those guides along with all my other EQ content here. It is packed full of Erudites, undead, and gelatinous cubes. There are some high level mobs there for the Berserker epic 2.0. When first starting out a healer merc may seem logical, well it's not. Still do! This is a short guide addressing the need of returning players. Everything is all sparkly and golden. 48-62 - The Hole (Ruins of Old Paineel)(PoK>Paineel>The Hole) - I used to recommend this as a go to zone, but the ZEM got nerfed and it's not as good. Pathings. At 12, all start killing gnolls or skeletal ogres. Balanced: This stance is exactly how it sounds. You can actually come here about 60-61 and kill in the area around the zone in/out. These Mercenaries are much more weak than a Journeyman Mercenary however I guess one plus is they cost a lot less every 15 minutes! It doesnt matter if you have no interest in playing the new characters when they reach the high end game. The goal is to get the three Clean Up the Farm quests from Siggik at the gnome camp near the Steamfont zoneline. Some of them heal and can be a massive pain in the ass unless you have an interrupt of some sort. They hit like trucks and run though, so bring a snare. Where it says "Type" select Journeyman (Paying players only) and then select Tier I of which ever you want Healer or Tank. At around 66 if you're clearing those areas efficiently, head over to the Muramite Proving Grounds zone line. IF YOU'RE NOT BRAND NEW AND KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING/NEW PLAYERS AFTER YOU FINISH MINES: 1-(14-18) Crescent Reach (You zone out of Mines and are automatically transported here. If not, stay outside. Everything is gnomes, constructs, slimes, minotaurs, and elementals. End of Underfoot (Volska's/Convorteum)(88-92) - You can level here if you feel like pulling your toenails out, but I don't recommend it. Mostly you'll be killing oashim rats and wraiths in the bottom right portion of the Tier 2 section. They are very social though and you may need some crowd control. Honestly feel like it's impossible to beat the exp you can get here from 30-35. Blightfire Moors is also a hotzone sometimes, so this could go even faster if you're lucky. Considering how easy it is to level on live these days, just paying for one month while you level to 110 is plenty. There is a stupid questline that autostarts the first time you go into the zone. Depending on how fast you're going this place is wonderful to 38, but tapers off to just decent after that IMO. The Serpent's Spine Everquest Leveling Guide, Seeds of Destruction Everquest Leveling Guide, Call of the Forsaken Everquest Leveling Guide, The Darkened Sea Everquest Leveling Guide, The Broken Mirror Everquest Leveling Guide, Empires of Kunark Everquest Leveling Guide. It will have HP, Mana, and Endurance on par with characters that do not have the gear to acquire rank 2 spells and abilities. Too many HP, pain in the ass abilities. They have low HP, but can hit hard with spells and melee. You can do 1-40 in about 12 hours of playing. Q: I'm the puller for my group but my merc won't stop attacking it when its all the way out in the middle of no where. For a quick fix, try switching to a different email address and verifying that (you can switch your email back afterwords.) When you come back Re-summon him and he will be your level again. Lots of mobs to kill here. There are two main camps that youll use. 967 views Jan 8, 2022 26 Dislike Sinnycool 5.75K. Classes with undead slaying/controlling spells can crush this place even harder and faster and thanks to that can really increase this zones effectiveness. You may finish them and have 30-45 minutes to wait. You can pull 3-4 at a time easily and pretty quickly kill them all, moving out toward the docked ships to get higher level guys. EverQuest AFK Leveling (and AA) Guide: It's all about 3 Boxing Don't bother with one of the far flung camps. A: Your merc will Dismiss himself. Maybe talk about Guard Hanarn or Harnan? Do the research on your own on Allakhazam. You will decimate all. topic on the EQ forums. This place is almost nothing but undead. How does it help with boxing? Llux's guide to warrior swarming v3. So I will continue making changes as I see what works best and for who. Burn (On Some): Your merc will focus primarily on damage, always assisting the main assist. There are two main camps that you'll use. A player could easily gain the same amount of XP they got from 2 or 3 hours of AFK'ing pet/merc XP exploting if they spent 10 good minutes at the keyboard. #everquest #project1999 #sinnycool 2 MINUTE SPAWN AFK CAMP to 60 / Everquest Project 1999 green / Update since V5.5 patch what changed? This is very repetitive, boring, and slow. I normally always see people using SKs with mage DS in like fortress mech to do the same thing. Finally, heres the math on why I believe this guide has value. I'M NOT QUITE READY FOR EOK/ROS (100-105) - This is very much dependent on gear and group. I forget about that guy. Start in the tunnels and then work your way through the area around the ghoul assassin. HEROIC ADVENTURES BEGIN AKA THE MOST REPETITIVE THING TO DO IN A GAME THAT IS ALREADY REPETITIVE ENOUGH(75-110)(BOX/GROUP REQUIRED): You can begin doing HAs at 75 IF YOU BOX OR HAVE A GROUP (Yes some classes can solo them, but thats the exception rather than the rule and requires a lot of know how). Adon's Quick Pet Guide for returning players on progression servers How do I fix this? At first, just wait. Here are some suggestions as to how to use these areas to hit max level. your mercenary comes equipped with the armor and weapons he needs. A: Your merc will start costing you 2g every 15 minutes at level 14. AFK XP gains are so increadibly low/slow that it isn't even worth the time or effort, even if that time is being stolen. I have masochistic friends who swear by it though. stobe the hobo death scene Sad really. The south camp is the three rooms near the Nobles Causeway zone line. This makes it so any new player can jump in and catch his friends or others as quickly and painlessly possible. Sadly neither zone is a hot zone. THIS GUIDE ASSUMES YOU ARE PAY TO PLAY. Additionally, the mobs in Wall of Slaughter have a larger agro radius than the Plane of Fire mobs which helps. Favorite area is the Queen's castle area. After about 12 though, you can speed things up immensely if you're fighting with your tank merc and he can hold aggro way better after 10. If you'd like to see every single zone in the game that I have a guide for, head over to my Everquest Index Page. When actively playing, your group should be able to easily clear all three rooms plus the solo pulls nearby. Everquest Leveling Guides - Almarsguides There is a castle structure there. There is a quest with the platinum efreeti armor which eventually nets you a Illusion:Specter item that is sick. But the real advantage is when you want to grind out AAs while also leveling from 65 to 80. At about 52, head further into the zone, through the aquaduct area and start killing rotting peasants, nihilists, and commoners. everquest warrior aa guide - Noble Offshore If you're a new player then you'll be able to find a Mercenary Liaison right in Cresent Reach (granted if you Start there). The only issue there is you need to be capable of farming Remnants of Tranquility from TBM missions and HAs. © Copyright 2008-2022 Almar's Guides. Q: How does shrouding effect my mercenary? EverQuest Leveling Zones for Each Level Reaching higher levels can be determined by your zone, so let's start from the beginning with zones 1-10. Reactive: Your merc will react better depending on the situation. Sarith, City of the Tides (94-98) Sarith is probably the best place to farm nameds ever. Kill everything. True - but depending on the area / level / buffs needed you can set up for AFK and go out to work for the day - then come home and spend your time grinding. After 75, you get much stronger gear so you can quickly kill the minotaurs at the minotaur fort. Only thing that sucks is most of the mobs do AoE damage. A: Yes they do! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Whatever you do, don't try and fight in the cave to the Commonlands exit. Everquest 2 Leveling Guide 1-125 - MMORPG Tips By MMORPG.GG Lots of undead for your friendly neighborhood paladins as well. You can stay here until you reach level 77. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Brother Island (Guild Hall>Deluge>Tempest Temple>Brother Island) - This zone is great because there are almost no Kill on Sight mobs, allowing you to wander freely. Pretty much all the critters assist each other though. There is a fortress full of soldier type Alerans. Moloing is effective in the early levels due to overpowered Tank Mercs, but starting in the 60s leveling takes longer and the Tank Merc becomes less overpowered versus the content. Nameds here hit like runaway freight trains though. You cannot shroud to level 10 and keep a level 50 mercenary however. Velkator's Laboratory (45-55)(PoK>Great Divide>Velk's) - This place has grown on me a lot.

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