china lake underground base

directly under Argus Peak. The New Mexico area has basically four underground system out. GEORGIA46. Grand Mesa- Orion saucer base42. China Lake "The underground facility at China Lake is big enough that with the right equipment, it looks like a city of 500,000 people at night." card each day. Till then, it is just another strange conspiracy theory for them to laugh at. I grew up at China Lake Naval Weapons Center and worked there for years, but . The following was posted on the GAB account of Timothy Charles Holmseth, today. [1], There are four subshuttles in operation. Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake is a large military installation in California that supports the research, testing and evaluation programs of the United States Navy.It is part of Navy Region Southwest under Commander, Navy Installations Command, and was originally known as Naval Ordnance Test Station (NOTS).. At one point I had discovered collisions with the 1553 bus data that was being recorded on an aircraft. There ARE shuttle tubes that shoot the trains at incredible speeds using a mag-lev and vacuum method. and mind control. Mt. Its remote and mostly hidden in the next valley not too far from the famous Pinnacles that have been stars of movies such as Star Trek and Planet of the Apes. Level 4 Human research in paranormal areas telepathy, mind control, hypnosis, remote viewing, astral traveling etc. The creation of a total Global Fascist Police State by the Illuminati will happen if we do not all wake up and see what is happening. Ft. for posting. Along with that, I was also wanting to leave the area for my own reasons. They were under contract to be essentially on call PC repairmen all over the base. Its like an underground submarine . These are located in the Exhibit Hall of the West Virginia Wing, which includes vehicular and pedestrian entrances which can be quickly sealed by blast doors. CHILD I TRIED TO HELP YOU I TRIED SO HARD! Elkins, Don, Carla Rueckert, and Jim McCarty. Aviation_Intel. A newly-developed rocket on a launching ramp at the Naval Ordnance Test Station at China Lake, Calif., Feb. 12, 1949. High-level intelligence groups operate in the area also. Cages stacked upon cages from floor to ceiling containing children who are in . This was all new to me and very exciting. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. And it pops up in a . The area is desolate and the nearest populated area is an hour and a half drive to Lancaster for shopping, dining, or anything else for that matter. [15], The underground facility at China Lake is big enough that with the right equipment, it looks like a city of 500,000 people at night.[16], There is a small base underneath Mountanair, NM. China Lake, California: Satan's Little Shop of Horrors [videos] I was to be located at a building next to the airfield on the base where you had to have special clearance to even get through the gate. As mentioned earlier, when an aircraft was doing flight test evaluation in the 80s and 90s there were a lot of parts to put together to analyze the data. Bluemont, Mount Weather base, Federal Preparedness Agency & FEMA, small-city underground, top-secret, staff of several hundred, does secret work for FEMA and contains a complete secret government with the various agencies and cabinet-level ranking administrators that keep their positions for several administrations and help run the United States.98. Level 3 everyone is weighed, in the nude, then given a jumpsuit uniform. Shortly after we started receiving 8mm tapes that were recorded on a Radar Upgrade AV-8B+ aircraft. January 3, 2022. The NOD Deep Underground Installation has numerous levels to it. This place is an office building and a concrete shielded area with a huge static stand for mounting aircraft to. Napa Valley- located at Oakville Grade north of Napa, CA. . Growing up in the Indian Wells Valley is very challenging. Strangely shaped disks raise out of the ground on pylons. Presidio, CA A FEMA/DOD site for Region IXs regional office30. New York Metro area87. He said the military rescued 400 kids that were underground where they were being held until their traffickers received an order (like one would order pizza). And, of course, you have the tunnel-boring machines. 1000+ CHILDERN RESCUED AT CHINA LAKE - YouTube Now let's read just a bit from this fascinating site, and you will soon see how deep the rabbit hole goes: One day I was dropping my wife off at her workplace on the base and one was flying over very low with its gear down. It Just Goes Deeper & Deeper Colorado Springs, NORAD Canada & U.S., & FEMA, hundreds of people on staff, contains at least 4.5 cubic miles of underground caverns and forty-five underground steel buildings. There are several interesting buildings including one that the Navy made up like a Russian ship with Russian radars for testing of various aircraft attack angles and radar avoidance. The Globalists Race Against TimeA Great Reset will happen, just not the one intended by the Globalists. NEW YORK85. Military . They were brought there to test new technologies and were to be returned to that ship after its maintenance was complete. Military Continues Child Rescue out of Underground Tunnels Across the Though Hawthorne Army Depot is considered just a U.S. ammunition storage depot of the U.S. military, where ammunition is created, tested, and deployed, but there is also something secretly done at Walker Lake. . Darwin, CA, 4 miles dues west of Darwin 17. Picatinny Arsenal, 4o 38N 74 32 W- saucer base, 1/4 cubic mile large & very deep underground. Also, biological work is done, including the biological raising of small greys. As such, I got to see many cool things that were being worked on around the base and its many ranges. so youre going through two different types of security. Pine Bluff, Ark. Groom Lake, also known as Dreamland, Area 51, The Area, the Spot, Red Square, Sally Corridor, Watertown Strip. Army & ? Theres one that there was a lot of speculation about. It goes to Asia. The Weapons Survivability Lab is located way far north in a desolate area of China Lake. , MESA (Missile Engagement Simulation Arena). stored here in underground levels. I continued to do PC work at these various places until once again I ran into an under wage scenario. I didnt get to see a test take place but from what Ive read, considerable amounts of destruction could take place. A track runs through the middle of the eerie underground facility. I started my working career on the base in Oct of 1989. In America alone there are over 120 Deep Underground Military Bases situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers. Not only do I miss working there, but I also miss being in the area. The steel-reinforced concrete walls of the bunker, which is 20 feet below ground, are 2 feet thick. Often, moving in the dark of night, they wing their way to Nevada where they go through testing at the ranges of Nellis Air Force Base, Tonopah Test Range, and yes, Area 51. I had to decline, but I wish I could have. reserve, 140,000 sq. China's Secret Underground Naval Base China has built a naval base for nuclear submarines along the southern coast of Hainan Island, China. There appears to be a site in Nevada at Tonopah, Area 51 at Groom Lake, and a place designated as COG AFB. The military simply guards these facilities. I got to be there one time when they were executing a test. Keep in mind that the U.S. Navy was the first worldwide INTEL organization for this country. Companies such as Parsons have been involved in constructing undersea facilities. On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. 802 and the other on Bear Wallow Road, on Viewtree Mountain. Subterranean Tunnels - Underground Alien Bases I was trying to raise a young family with three kids and was struggling. Answer (1 of 8): This is one of those really stupid QAnon conspiracy theories. US Special Op forces recovered bodies, body parts and at least a hundred surviving children from a tunnel system beneath the White House and Capitol Building in Washington DC on Fri. 29 Jan. Straight said most of the children had been abducted by CPS. Here are the locations of Deep Underground Military Bases in America: ARIZONA1. And then they build within it. It had very sharp angles and was so futuristic looking you couldnt imagine that it was really able to fly, which it couldnt without flight computers of course. The Russian Attack Upon China Lake Has Resulted In Magma Movement There have been some of these bases that have been attacked, some of the older bases or bases closer to the surface. Delta Junction & Ft. Greeley: In the same Delta Junction area. The whole thing has to be re-drilled, and that area of the underground network of cities is now cut off. would run in an emergency. Basically, this Underground Base is 8 cities on top of each other! China Lake: When a quake hits a secret area - Capitol Weekly There are special badges, special uniforms, tube elevators etc. 2023 Coercion Code - "Dark Times are upon us". Wilcock, David. In total, its two ranges and main site cover . And there was a whole lot of scuttlebutt on the Internet about it, and then it kind of died off. 760-939-3387. Green Valley6. It is involved in hi-tech aerospace technology.29. This is a U.S. alien research/ diagnostic facility and UFO base. 4. They reminded me of dragonflies darting around in the sky. For the most part, unless you worked on the base or in the nearby town of Trona at the soda ash processing plants, there werent many career opportunities. . There is much hard evidence out there. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Outside the China Lake gate is the city of Ridgecrest. 17. Wackenhut provides some of the security on the ground.79. : The count is now over 50,000 traumatized, malnourished and deceased children, who have been pulled out of underground tunnels across the nation, by the U.S. Military and Marines, since October 2019. My boss knows that I was batshit crazy for volunteering to uproot my family and take them to New Mexico on a drop of a hat, but I happily agreed to it. They enter in below and come up within. The facility farthest east, about 20 miles inland in the wilderness near Hwy 42, has been shut down. It had an 8mm tape drive in it. While there is no mention of known underground bases in Tennessee on the following list below, I did find three underground bases in Tennessee. China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station ID/CAC Card Processing. Spinning tapes was the most boring job you could get into in this arena and the workers are usually referred to as tape apes.. They go down several more floors than anyone that work in the building know about, get on an underground train system, and are shuttled to anywhere in the world in a matter of an hour or two, to where they can work in these underground bunkers and facilities. The Secret City The California Sunday Magazine It is the Center of control over MAJIC and the "Space . This DUM sits on China Lake's NWC's land, and may have been built in the '60s. Scotty's Castle in Death Valley, Bakersfield, Edwards AFB, and Papa Ludo's Store & Tavern (with its secret underground programming center) are all in the vicinity of China Lake and have all been programming sites too.

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