most attractive venus sign

All it takes is one glance at their hypnotic eyes to see it. Rules were meant to be broken and are too restrictive. If his house is clean and well-arranged, he does not need a messy person. These bull-headed people love resources and focus steadfastly on resource-giving achievements. Check out What Do The Stars Have In Store For You? If a relationship matters to you, you will figure out the details and how to make it work. Our team of editors strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest. Venus Sign This sign is governed by the sun, so everything around them is bright, which draws people to them, says Honigman. Jealousy should exit the couple, as possessiveness would not please him in his married life (Moon square Pluto; Moon in Aquarius, the Descendant in Aquarius, as far as I understand). If you were born with Venus in sensible Capricorn, you play the long game in love. I picture Pamela Anderson in her red Speedo .He likes to do exciting activities like sky dive. His tastes are simple. Settling down aint easy for younot necessarily because youre a player but simply because you can find something fascinating to adore (and explore) in just about everyone you meet. I do charts for the people who want them. WebIf a mans Venus is in Cancer, he may prefer women who come across as sweet, soft, and warm. In astrology, we call this an inferior conjunction between the Sun and Venus. A relationship must feel like a growth opportunity in order for you to sign on. Libra Rising Libra is ruled by Venus and is considered the most attractive ascendant. Should I take into account any other placement? Cuddling is foreplay for your sensual sign, and you are especially gifted at the art of touch. Your Venus can tell you what this style is and how you can emphasize it best. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which gives them an innocent and imaginative air. This is especially challenging when they become suffocatingly overprotective homebodies. Best matches are another Venus in Taurus, or a Sun-sign Libra, a sign ruled by Venus, or an empathetic Sun Scorpio. In Libra Venus represents loving relationships, harmony, balance, justice and judgement. Venus Signs: Are Your A Morning Star Venus Or An Evening Star They rarely flourish without lots of affirmation and people to be around. Alas, these romantic rescue missions can throw you off your game for months, even years! For me ideal wife would be also my best friend and love trips around the world, of course together). We love words and we are flirts. He is very poetic and romantic. Try to distill the lessons of each romance instead of rushing from one lover to the next. If he talks a lot, he needs a communicative partner. Plays sport (conjunct Mars), but, most possibly, artistic one (Mars in Pisces). The disappearing act happens approximately two weeks after the retrograde cycle beginsand lasts for around eight days. Scorpio lands in the last spot on our list because they are often too complex and dark for the people around them. "Peaceful people have a glow about them, and Libra's inner balance, symbolized by their sigilthe Scalesmakes them very peaceful," says Honigman. They need balance in their life, and without it, theyll quickly lose some of their attractiveness. )Really absurd, it wasn't me who wanted to see him 3x a week, it was HIM! You might install mirrors on the ceiling or, with consenting partners, build up a private video collection of your greatest moves. Heres some more specific info just in case, assuming his birth time is correct: Venus in Scorpio is a soulful siren with a heart that extends to the darkest depths of the ocean. When Venus is in Pisces, your love doesnt come with conditions attached. This Venus likes things that are bright and eye catching FAST and snappy. The energy of this sign is your sex appeal, as well as what makes you initially attractive to new friends and acquaintances. People are, in the beginning, attracted to your Venus sign. I am telling you! Skinny dipping is your idea of foreplay. People are attracted to you, and you gain a lot of friends. Posts: 172From: HoustonRegistered: Jan 2012. Your seductive nature attracts partnerships, but you will only reveal yourself in times of serious commitment. He is, surprisingly, moral, although you would not know that by his actions, usually. Given the information youve provided, though, I would say that his type: All Rights Reserved. They can also be wildly critical, jealous, and suspicious when insecure. They might be the prettiest, behind Libra. Moon together with the Mars conjunction he has Moon square Pluto; Moon is in the 8th house Theyre also very feet-to-the-earth partners, craving stability and reliability. Youd rather be skiing the Black Diamond together or creating a family of overachieving kids that you can brag about at family dinners. We constantly strive to provide you with the best information possible. His personal taste in clothes is tailored and well made. Romance is a priority, but they are oddly noncommittal., Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Personal Numerology. With water sign Pisces directing your loving feelings, you could feel your friskiest at the beach or in a tub. But when you feel deeply connected to a partner, you will give and share everything you have. Venus in Aquarius = too detatched in love.. not enough deepness and warmth Venus in Cancer = likes a woman who is sweet and nurturingVenus in Taurus = open mindnessVenus in Gemini = uses words haha, Posts: 1740From: A Danielle Steele NovelRegistered: Aug 2010, My ex was a Venus in Sag, and he was very unstable within our relationship, also too much of a flirt with other women which I couldn't stand:/, Posts: 2438From: Gaea's OmphalosRegistered: Aug 2012, Terrible!That's how it ended! most beautiful sign venus You take a long time to get over heartbreak and may ruminate and obsess for a long time, even if you never speak to your ex again. A killer sense of humor is more likely to win you over than dashing good looks. And lucky for them since your charismatic and generous Venus sign gives as good as you get. - just wonderin', Posts: 48From: FranceRegistered: Nov 2012, ---- [b]inconsistent hearts - fickle, outright capricious at times- easily distracted, easily seduced, and sometimes prone to excessive acts of adultery/unfaithfulness~, (just my preference and experience after 15 years of adult relations~), Totally agree. In the fourth spot for the most attractive signs, we have watery Cancer. Venus in the Signs Although you can take your time to commit, you believe in love at first sight. READ THIS NEXT: The Most Flirtatious Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers. Your libido has a mind of its ownespecially in a darkened bar, hot tub (or any body of water), or when youre far from home and can maintain more of an anonymous profile. This Venus likes refinement in the partner. The females are the most aggressive of the female Venus signs. Of course, youll do everything in your power to prevent the "old married couple" vibe from kicking in, showering your partner with gifts, strutting around in sexy (matching) lingerie, booking exciting vacations, and keeping up with fitness and beauty regimens. You prefer to plunge into the depths of intimacy and find out every one of your lovers secrets. And Though Their Beauty On The Inside May Not Match The Outside, They're Still Very Im an Aquarian so physical features are not so important. It is difficult for you to commit fully as being tied down feels too permanent for someone like you. The planets home base, an easy flow if placed here in the chart. My ex husband and my husband are both Scorpio rising and I'm a Taurus rising. Virgos stick to their beauty regimens because they love routines, in general. In the evening, she is Hesperus which means Western since she appeared near the Sun at dusk. Anyway, what a person wants in love, he/she always shows. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. That means he does love well,so to speak. After the Venus rebirth, as she crosses the threshold and becomes a morning star for the next nine months. Lover = the couple does not live together. Any planet (and its sign) making an aspect to the ruler of the 7th house, shows what else the person wants in a partner. Venus in Aquarius may dress like a hippie or with a kind of eccentric style. This Venus is in the Exaltation. Your mate must be a strong individual with a lush life outside of the relationship. WebVenus in Taurus. It turns out, when you simply can't take your eyes off of someone, astrology might also have something to do with it. She will fall in love with your mind, so if this is not your strong suit, you may need to look for another Venus, like Aries, who wants to drive your sports car. The planets most powerful position, indicates ease and added fortune when using the planets energy if placed here in the chart. They are master showmen and a magnet for other people. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Venus in the Zodiac Signs - LiveAbout Libra Ah, Libra. to picking out the perfect warm-weather retirement community for your sunset years. The men love legs, shoes and boots.This Venus likes adventure. A Taurus Venus is incredibly touchy-feely and desirous of physical connection. Most Attractive I gained 5lbs of ice cream weight sulking it out with one of them one time so I love my Taurus Venus girls, indefinitely but I get very mad/disappointed when they go all "doormat" and some of them just do!~) --- seriously - rant over~ holla' if you know someone like these ladies ^ ><; --- ty for letting me get that off my chest~ lol <3, omg thats me venus in Taurusdont know whe to let go, Posts: 68772From: Pluto/house next to NickiGRegistered: Sep 2010, ------------------Passion, Lust, Desire. Pleasing parents falls pretty low on your list of priorities; in fact, shock value can be an aphrodisiac! Those with the Moon and Venus in very different signs will often hear from their partners or friends that the person they met is not the same as the person they're now living with. One soulfully sexy gaze from you might be all it takes for clothes to go a-flinging. Captivating placements. While you search for your "twin flame," youre sure to have your share of wild and dramatic affairs, some that would make a sex worker blush! Leo is a fixed sign, and their stubbornness reflects it. This sign is governed by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, "so they have a helping hand from the Goddess of Who Are the Most Beautiful Signs in the Zodiac? Known for their strong, arched brows which are often set low at the centre of the face and arch Venus in They exude a motherly I will take care of you vibe. Did you know about Venus symbolizing a lover (qualities, which turn the man on), and the Moon stands for a wife (qualities, which he would love to see in his spouse)? The pickup artists have a technique they call, "neg-ing," where you teasingly insult the person youre attracted to. But if theres one thing you cannot abide by, its being ignored! Love Venus in Taurus, Sag, Leo and Libra. If your Venus is at a lesser degree than your Sun you are a Morning Star Venus. When Venus is in Leo, your attitude towards love is something out of a fairy tale. According to our venus we are supposed to be hoes but I dont know about that. If he feeds you, hell appreciate if you are a good cook. So you want to know what the most attractive Zodiac signs are? Often, if you're looking at old pictures of Taureans they'll appear ageless because they never change their classic style. 2022 Galvanized Media. Venus in Scorpio takes break ups very hard, even though he, likely, would not let you know. A discerning dater (and sometimes perfectionist), youd rather have no one than the wrong one. Throw away that rulebook! You need to learn how to keep moving forward. Your bedroom may look like a high-end bordello, complete with all the accoutrements needed to put on a show or even make a few home videos.

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