christine grahame illness

Do we honestly not have any better sex offenders at all the Lord Advocate and COPFS could go after? Russia, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and every other company in Europe? (You just never know what you might find out when you log in to WoS, but you can *always* be assured it is *ALL* good!). At 76, Christine Grahame has become the oldest MSP ever to be elected to Holyrood, winning 19,807 votes. She has served on the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body since May 2021.[1]. It would have been closed down and buried (rather like the Board meeting of Anglia Television got buried) and there would have been no defeat for Sturgeon and her gang. Thatll be the harassment + abuse that the Jury determined didnt happen! It is not a universal feature, though, she suggests. Its the current manifestation of Scottish government thats the problem here, not so much the Scottish Parliament as an institution. "There aren't winners here. Brian Doonthetoon says: He said he saw the letter after it was composed. Lets see what more we find out about this. Even at age nine, Christine Grahame didnt stay silent for long when she deemed something was wrong. Could it be Alzheimers? Using her married name, Christine Creech, she was the SNP candidate at the 1992 General Election for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale. [9] In April 2020, Scottish Labour's Lewis Macdonald was elected as interim Deputy Presiding Officer in her absence. Try every dirty legal trick in the book. In a situation where both the Lord Advocate because of his sitting in cabinet is in disrepute but the crown as represented by COPFS infested with MI5s is also in disrepute, the Lord Advocate becomes the weakest link, the expendable one. Its bubbling up. She graduated from Univ of NV Sch of Med in 2006. I didnt like the manner of it and I made that plain, she says. Crown Office is corrupt and incompetent.. This news has been on the WWW for ages but not reported in the MSM. What is Christine Graham's office address? In line with our commitment to be Net Zero Carbon by 2030, Ford will become the It has crossed my mind that Mulholland may have been playing a long game. This is OUR democracy, not theirs. With that said, if the committee or SPCB go to Lady Dorrian/High Court with all of the evicence (which it may or may not get from the Clown Office) and has the judge give opinion on their lawfulness in respect of the criminal trials anonimity order, then that would clear the way for all of this evidence to be published to the inquiry, evidence which is being witheld & buried by the corrupt Clown Office, Clown Agent and the biggest clown of them all the Lord Advocate. Find out how to adopt this simple step into your daily oral health regimen. Ultimately, it is for the parliamentary authorities to determine what they may lawfully publish within the bounds of the order laid down by the court. The Crowns sole interest in the matter is to secure respect for that court order. The walls are starting to close in on a few key players. Hes so obviously uncomfortable lying to ordinary politicians rather than the legal profession he normally lies to. O/T I am a community health education major. Which is why he had to make an abject, grovelling apology for them being the exact opposite of that recently. Thank you. Aided by the thousands of Wingers, who have to be the most knowledgeable collection of bloggers anywhere in the world. At the 1999 Scottish Parliament election she ran for the Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale constituency. When they are right, they are right. As the first from a working-class housing scheme in Edinburgh to go to university, Grahame found herself burdened by the feeling she didnt fit in and, she believes, underachieved as a result. The Crown Office appears to be doing a great job of bringing it into disrepute. ", See all of Christine Grahame's questions submitted in Parliament, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Animal Welfare, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Gardening and Horticulture, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Older People, Age and Ageing, Culture Tourism Europe and External Affairs Committee, Solicitors in the Supreme Courts of Scotland Amendment Bill Committee, Edinburgh Airport Rail Link Bill Committee. Cath The alleged knee touching allegation aimed at Salmond proved to be false much like many of the criminal accusations. I mean that seriously. Heavy investment is made into encouraging a concrete complaint. Yes, there are animals involved here. The other thing that distracted me was her mouth. She has been an MSP since the Scottish Parliament was established in 1999, and has. Im knackered just reading about it. aLurker says: Paul Wynn Jan. 12, 2023. Grahame nodding YES had NOTHING to do with the tremor which presents in a completely different way. 24 February, 2021 at 7:08 pm It seems to me that Scots law is incompatible with One Nation Britain and will have to be got rid of at some point. 24 February, 2021 at 10:01 pm The significance is that if Alex Salmond had been charged by the police, the judicial review would be sisted. This is only the 2nd time Ive watched James Wolfe speak in parliament, the first time was when Ken McIntosh questioned the competence of parliament to pass a bill, I cant remember what bill it was, something to do with the Continuity bill, Its hard to believe that same articulate, congenial, knowledgeable appearing man, is the same contemptuous bumbling wreck in that video at the top of this page. The public purse has just paid out ~24million to a couple of private individuals who were deeply involved in that football club. However, I doubt the SP will do so. Something happening all right. I just keep thinking, this must go deeper and be more insidious than we think, for them to keep digging the hole deeper, and deeper. Not only does the trust in the Scottish government, but also the trust in parliament and more importantly for the British state, the trust in the crown that sponsors COPFS and the lord advocate, is at stake here. FFS they cant tell the truth even when it doesnt matter and a lie has to be offered to back up a really dodgy bloody argument that just makes it worse. I was waiting for one of them to fall off. Those checks and safeguards were put in place to protect ordinary citizens from the abuse of power. This site requires JavaScript for certain functions and interactions to work. Bet ya,, WhoRattledYourCage says: (From what I have seen and read in the past few weeks, I am definitely not holding my breath.). There we have it ladies and gentlemen and all in between. I am sure shady stuff goes on, but all the MI5, British Empire, colonialism isnt that what the dribbling feel-good alphabet soup crowd have as one of their mental afflictions? Is Lord Wolffe incompetent, I have no idea. This is very serious. If so, she has a neurological condition called Benign Essential Tremor. Stand Fast! Your kind is extinct. Christine Graham - People Directory - 200 Results for Christine Graham Please use the search above if you cannot find the record you require. I used to joke about it with her I called her stevie wonder once. I dont think that will work and I think the independence movement will be their victim. If the committee and/or the SPCB fail in getting evidence from the Clown Office then the publication of the documents which Craig Murray seeks is of extreme importance to everyone in Scotland who believes that it is fair and just that the soveriegn people of Scotland are given full rights to defend themselves unhindered by the spheres of the Scottish Government (including COPFS) and the Scottish Parliament. Not enough to make it disappear and for us all to forget anyway. Was this man given parliamentary privilege meaning that he could effectively be lying and never risk contempt of parliament? He and a few others know something big but cant say. Who is this Mr Donnely (sp?) Could she not have taking a few copies of Alex Salmond statements and asked the lord advocate ( after handing him a copy) which part named the alleged victim to which he wanted removed? She has just tweeted about Boris by passing Holyrood with funding ,which everybody in this site has been stating was going to be an issue for the last 18 months. Id never campaign shoulder to shoulder with some of the loathsome individuals in the SNP at present. If she does that she might salvage alternative career paths. His peers must be astonished, whatever actually happened. Christine Graham. She cant fall back on her legal career. Ive waited patiently for the SG to release the relevant documents. [3], After a period as a housewife, she returned to Edinburgh University as a mature student where she earned a Bachelor of Laws degree in 1984 and a Diploma in Legal Practice in 1985, subsequently practising as a solicitor at a number of law firms until her election as an MSP in 1999.[4]. I really dont know how you cope with all this and I am so, so pleased that you can and you do. Democracy is fragile. The man is obviously very ill and he is desperate to see his family absolutely desperate to see his family so, whatever it takes, that's the priority. How did the mass Scottish political and legal car crash get to this level of dysfunction? ensure that the conduct of the Scottish Government does not bring politics in the whole of the United Kingdom into international disrepute.. I am always happy to hear your views. I am a genetic counseling graduate student with more than 15 years of professional experience in molecular and public health laboratories. That was just the police, and environmental groups dont pose an existential threat to the UK. (( He was determined not to give the game away. It seems the Dear Leader has taken a sledgehammer to ours for the sake of her own personal vendetta, and theyre no longer fit for purpose. What about all the other people who have been maliciously prosecuted by THIS Lord Advocate?! It is/was a trial in name only. OK, Brian Doonthetoon Machiavellian is better and that points to one person only. It would be helpful to know the process before the letter was issued to the Parliament. She didnt know who James matthews was quoting yet there were only three people at that first meeting and it certainly wasnt her stooge. At the 2021 Scottish Elections I was honoured to be again re-elected as the MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency. Another way, lets put it like that. I am definitely no expert, but I think this last attempt at obfuscation, whoever was involved, sealed the COPFS, Nicola and her husband to the recycling bin. Does this mean that COPFS has been chancing their arm with that letter hoping Fabiani and co would be intimidated by it and remove the publication? Yup. Was it Mr Donnelly who was contacted? In fact, I will qualify that if I may The dirty infiltrators must be removed even if it hurts. Facebook gives people the. Ive tried to see the issue from all sides. Join Facebook to connect with Christine Grahame and others you may know. It takes neck of a particularly dodgy brass to claim the COPFS is formed by professionals when he was forced recently to tender an apology (although many thought it should be his resignation) because those professionals have costed us tens of millions of pounds in malicious prosecutions. I have to assume Stuart Campbell is correct in his comments about Alex Salmond separating both posts while in office if thats the case , both the Lord Advocate and the SNP MSP Arthur have just told blatant lies in their presentation to Parliament, We know the media works on Salmond v Sturgeon, and it aint gonna change. Was that why the Lord Advocate took care to stress that he did not draft the letter, and that senior prosecutors act autonomously? A day of reckoning is definitely coming and posts like yours can help to secure a proper outcome. Younger MSPs who are often very tribal on first taking up seats on the SNP and Labour benches will lose that following time on the committees, she says. I am not too sure where I actually stand here for I do not really have much information of the person that I first referred to as a nodding donkey. It is not a universal feature, though, she suggests. A lot, I think. Ah didnae dae it! [10], In the 2021 Scottish Parliament election Grahame was re-elected as an MSP. Its not been proven there is sufficiency of evidence to take us where the Cabinet Secretary wants to take us, which is, in his words, access to justice. Away ya clown yi. The encouraging thing was that Ruth Davidson called for a judge-led criminal inquiry in to this shambolic affair. Starts to make sense why Lloyd has been prevented from giving testimony under oath. I hope to work in the public health field. If so, she has a neurological condition called Benign Essential Tremor. To unpack that a littlein August 2018 AS successfully crowdfunded for the legal fees to petition the Court of Session for judicial review of a manifestly biased (a now widely-held opinion) civil service procedure,in which his petition was successful in January 2019, however there were no guarantees here. He looked and spoke as if he had just jumped out a piss and alcohol soaked bed whilst fully clothed. that JB also name checks? The move drew some criticism from commentators and fellow MSPs, however on the BBC Radio Good Morning Scotland programme, Grahame stated: "I'm earning and working for my constituents far more than if I sit hypocritically in the chamber watching a monarch for an institution I do not support. Join Facebook to connect with Christine Graham and others you may know. BrianDTT is not being facetious or cryptic it is just old information that old wingers knew about but cannot be elaborated on, Garavelli Princip says: If copfs is responsible for malicious prosecutions then what does this potentially mean for hundreds if not thousands of convictions in Scotlands courts over recent years? Surely Scotland can do better than this? Was the Crown Agent, David Harvie, consulted?

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